In Sweden there’s a constitutional right they call allemansrätten. It’s a national concept of “freedom to roam” that allows anyone the right to access, walk, cycle, or camp on any land (the only exceptions being private residences, as well as gardens and lands under cultivation).瑞典宪法规定的权利中有一个“自由通行权”,在瑞典,“自由通行权”赋予人们自由从各地(私人住宅、正在修缮中的花园和土地除外)通行、步行、骑行、露营的权力。
To get the rest of the world to try it out, they just listed the entire country on Airbnb.为了让世界各地的游客都能尝试一番,瑞典把整个国家都挂上了Airbnb。
It appears that Sweden’s tourism is in the throes of a marketing contest.瑞典的旅游业貌似在激烈的市场竞争中难以立足。
Last year the Swedish Tourist Association with agency Ingo created “The Swedish Number,” that allowed anyone, anywhere in the world, to dial in and be connected to a random Swede to chat about the country. Now Visit Sweden (the country’s global marketing department) working with agency Forsman & Bodenfors, is getting its own brand buzz with the help of Airbnb.去年瑞典旅游协会同Ingo广告公司合作创立了“瑞典号码”项目,世界各地的人都可以致电,电话会随机连线到某个瑞典人,致电者可以和接听者聊一聊瑞典这个国家。瑞典旅游局(瑞典全球营销部门)和瑞典一家创意机构Forsman & Bodenfors合作,在Airbnb的帮助下很好地宣传了自己的品牌。
There are nine different “listings,” ranging from a rustic forest retreat in Varmland on the country’s west coast, to cliffs with panoramic ocean views close to Skuleskogen National Park.Airbnb上列有9个瑞典旅行“指南”,从西海岸韦姆兰乡村的森林度假地,到思古乐森林国家公园旁边能一览全景海景风光的峭壁,应有尽有。
According to Visit Sweden, it’s the first partnership of its kind with Airbnb, and, as gimmicks go, let’s hope there isn’t a rush of copycats. 瑞典旅游局表示,之前从未做过和Airbnb的这样类型的合作。这次宣传造势希望不要出现盲目模仿的人。
That said, it’s easy to imagine Airbnb jumping head first into allowing more tourism marketing like this the chance to target us directly from within the platform–for a price of course.也就是说,Airbnb很可能会允许更多人从自己的平台内部针对消费者做类似的旅游宣传,当然是要收取费用的。
In this case, Jenny Kaiser, president of Visit Sweden’s US office, says the arrangement between Visit Sweden and Airbnb wasn’t a paid placement.关于收费这一点,瑞典旅游局美国办公室主席珍妮•凯撒表示,瑞典旅游局没有向Airbnb支付广告位费用。
“As the initiative is a pure branding campaign for Sweden as a destination, the partnership is strategic for both parties and no payment has been done from/to either side,” Kaiser says. “此举纯粹是为了瑞典这个国家作为旅行目的地的宣传,双方的合作对双方都有战略益处,所以并不存在一方向另一方支付费用的情况。”
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