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发表于 2017-5-25 20:53:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        We all strive to be memorable. But leaving a great first impression takes some effort.我们努力让人印象深刻。但是美好第一印象需要一些努力。
        As it turns out, with the right words and actions, almost anyone can create a captivating presence.事实证明,拥有合适的语言和行为,几乎所有人都可以成为那有魅力的存在。
        To help you figure out how to do this, we looked at the answers posted on Quora in response to the question, "How do I become more memorable when meeting someone for the first time?"为了帮助你弄清如何实现这一目标,我们可以看下Quora上对如下问题的回答:“第一次遇见某人,我如何才能让人印象深刻?”
        Here were some of our favorite tips for making yourself memorable when you first meet someone new:如下是我们最喜欢的让你第一次遇到某人就令人印象深刻的技巧:
        1. Put on your talking hat1. 戴上健谈的“帽子”



        If you actively participate in the conversation, you're more likely to get noticed.如果比较健谈,你会更容易获得关注。
        Julian Reisinger, a Quora user and co-founder of Lovelifesolved.com, wrote that by asking questions, showing interest, and sharing stories or anecdotes, you're more likely to make a lasting impression and forge a connection with someone.Lovelifesolved.com网站的创立者之一,Quora的用户Julian Reisinger这样回答这一问题:表现出兴趣并分享故事或轶事,你更能获得持久印象并与他人建立联系。
        "People will never remember the guy who just stands there and says nothing," Reisinger writes.“人们从不会记得,那些站在那一句话也不说的人,”Reisinger写道。
        2. Be blunt, controversial, and honest2. 直率,有争议而又诚实



        Most people avoid saying anything controversial — especially when meeting someone for the first time — because they want to play it safe to ensure everyone likes them.因为他们想中规中矩的,以便所有人都喜欢他们,所以大部分人避免讨论有争议的事情,特别是第一次遇见某人。
        But if you really want to be memorable, you may want to make a statement — without insulting anyone or saying something offensive, of course.但是,如果确实想让人印象深刻,你可能想表述思想而不冒犯任何人或者说无礼的话。
        "You can't become memorable by always playing it safe," Reisinger writes.Reisinger写道:“一直的中规中矩不可能让人印象深刻。”
        That doesn't mean you have to be an outlier, but by speaking your mind firmly and clearly and having an opinion, you will become more interesting and as a result more memorable, he writes.他写道,这并不意味着你会成为局外人,但是需要通过坚定地、清楚地表达自己的思想和观点,从而让自己变得更有趣,并因此让人印象深刻。
        3. Be a little bit unusual3. 一点与众不同



        Breaking out of the cultural norm is an easy way to stick out, Reisinger writes, but try to stick out in a positive way.Reisigner写道,打破文化标准是脱颖而出的简单方法,但试着从积极的一面脱颖而出。
        For example, he suggests coming up with humorous and unique answers to the typical introductory questions such as "How are you?" or "What do you do?"例如,他建议对“最近过得怎么样?”等等常见的问候,进行幽默而独特的回答。
        While coming up with scripted answers may seem like a pain, he points out that you will have to answer these questions thousands of times throughout your life anyway, so it's well worth the effort.照本宣科的回答会带来苦恼,他指出,人的一生中可能会回答这些问题几千次,所以值得努力换一次尝试。
        4. Use confident body language4. 自信的肢体语言



        Rob Riker, the founder of The Social Winner blog, says confident body language does more than make you look good — it helps you make a great first impression.Social Winner博客的创立者Rob Riker说,自信的肢体语言不仅使你看起来很好,也能助你有个好印象。
        To do this, Riker suggests suggests having a firm handshake, standing up straight, and maintaining eye contact both while listening and speaking.为了拥有自信,Riker建议,用力地握手,垂直站立,倾听或说话时与对方保持眼睛接触。
        If you aren't talking with anyone for a few minutes, then he says you should look out in front of you, rather than at the ground. "You are engaging with the world, not hiding from it," he writes.如果与某人交谈时间很长,他说,你应当往前看而不是看地面。他写道:“你在与世界沟通,而不是躲避它。”
        He also says you should "own the space around you." This means not sitting on the edge of a bench so other people have more room than you, or acting embarrassed if your arm touches someone else's arm. "Take what's yours without being a jerk," he writes.他还说:“你应当‘掌控所在区域’。”也就是说,不要坐在板凳边上以便他人拥有更大空间,或胳膊碰到其他人的胳膊就感觉很尴尬。他写道:“利用你的资源,不要当一个怪咖。”
        5. Trigger emotions5. 触发情感



        This piece of advice from Reisinger stems from author and poet Maya Angelou's famous quote: "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."从Reisinger得到的这个建议,来源于作家兼诗人May Angelou的名言:“人们会忘记你所说的,人们会忘记你所做的,但人们从不会忘记你给他们的感觉。”
        In order to leave a deep impression on someone, you need to make them feel something, and preferably something good.为了给某人留下深刻的印象,你需要让他们感到相当棒。
        How do you do that in a casual conversation? Reisenger suggests showing vulnerability, making other people laugh, making a mistake and apologizing for it, stroking someone's ego, telling stories, being helpful, or discussing a topic in a heated manner.随意交谈过程中,你会怎么做?Reisenger建议,显示脆弱的一面,让他人欢笑,犯些小错误并为此道歉,美言几句,讲故事,爱帮助人,或热烈地讨论某个话题。
        6. Be an engaged listener6. 专注的倾听者



        Journalist Becky Blanton says the most important thing in being memorable is learning to listen. "The most popular and memorable people in the world are those who give us their undivided and full attention," she writes.新闻记者Becky Blanton说,让人印象深刻最重要的事是学会倾听。她写道:“这个世界上,最受欢迎和让人记住的人是那些给予我们全身心关注的人。”
        Like Reisinger and Angelou, Blanton says that we remember how people make us feel, and "nothing makes us feel warmer, better, loved or important than having the authentic and focused attention of someone else."正像Reisinger和Angelou, Blanton说,我们记住人们给自己的感觉,他人的真诚关注让我们感到更温暖,更美好,被爱和自己的重要。
        7. Smile7. 微笑



        "When first meeting someone, you want to be smiling," writes Riker. "This shows that you are happy, in a good mood, enjoying life and happy to meet them. Smiling also triggers the other person's mirror neurons which produce the feeling that their own smile would provide — a happy feeling!“当第一次遇到某人,你想要微笑,”Riker写道,“这显示你很高兴,情绪很好,热爱生活并乐于见到他们。微笑也能激发他人的映射细胞,产生自己微笑时才有的快乐情感。
        8. Use their name in the conversation8. 在谈话中使用他们的名字



        "A really effective way to be 'memorable' to the other person is to use their name in conversation," writes Kara Ronin, a social skills expert and Udemy instructor.“真正让其他人印象深刻的是在谈话中使用他们的姓名,”社交技巧专家和Udemy的教练Kara Ronin写道。
        It tells them you were paying attention and that you care.这告诉他们,你正关注并关心他们。
        "Our name is intrinsically linked to us," she explains. "Whenever we hear somebody use our name we immediately think, 'Oh, he/she must really like me because they remember what my name is.' Of course, you don't want to use their name with a tone of voice that suggests you're reprimanding them."“名字与我们有内在的关联”,她解释道,“无论何时我们听到有人使用我们的名字,我们立即想,‘哦,他或她是真正喜欢我,因为他们记住我的名字。’当然,不要带着惩戒的声调使用他们的名字。”
        9. Appreciate the positive in things9. 欣赏事情中积极的一面



        Riker suggests putting more energy into seeing the positive side of things rather than the negative. For example, you can say,"'Oh, I love that it's cold because now I get to bundle up and really enjoy a warm cup of coffee,' rather than complaining that it's cold."Riker建议,多花些精力看到事情积极的一面而不是消极的一面。例如,你可以说:“哦,我喜欢寒冷,因为我可以穿暖和点,并喝杯温暖的咖啡。”而不是抱怨寒冷。
        "Everyone is drawn to the person having the most fun," writes Lukas Schwekendiek, a life coach, speaker, and writer. "If someone is the light of the party, they will grab the most attention."“人人都能被会找乐子的人吸引”,生活教练、演讲家和作家Lukas Schwekendiek写道,“如果某人是宴会的灯光,他们会得到最多的注意。”
        10. Be interested in their story10. 对他们的故事感兴趣



        "People love nothing more than to be valued by someone else," Schwekendiek writes. "When we feel like we matter to someone we open up, feel secure and come back with the same level of interest. Everyone loves to talk about themselves!"“人们喜欢他人对自己的价值认可,”Schwekendiek写道,“当感到自己对他人很重要,我们将会打开心扉,感到安全并对他人有同样的兴趣。每个人都喜欢谈论自己。
        Remember that everyone has a story and their own point of view on the world. It's your job to find out what that is.记住,人人都有故事,及他们对世界的看法。你的工作就是寻找到它们。

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