After promising to create one million new jobs in the U.S., Jack Ma is taking a big first step on delivering.马云曾许诺要为美国创造一百万个新的就业机会,为了实现诺言,他迈出了一大步。
Alibaba Group announced today that it will inaugurate its effort to empower U.S. small businesses, entrepreneurs and farmers to sell to hundreds of millions of Chinese consumers at "Gateway 17," a small business summit that will be held in Detroit, Michigan on June 20-21.阿里巴巴集团今日宣布,将着力援助美国小型企业,资助企业家和农场主,在6月20日至21日于底特律举行的以“连接世界”为主题的小型商业峰会上,他们将有机会将产品销售给数以百万的中国消费者。
Alibaba CEO Jack Ma will be in attendance and will speak to an expected audience of more than 1,000 companies and individuals and many more via online streaming. The event will also include keynote speeches from leading entrepreneurs, as well as category breakout talks, business solutions sessions and marketplace networking opportunities to help those in attendance gain a better understanding of the Chinese consumer's wants and needs.届时阿里巴巴集团首席执行官马云将出席峰会并做演讲,超过1000家公司及个人、数不胜数的网友组成的听众团都将期待着这场演讲。峰会还包括与会领头企业的专题演讲,分组突破交流,商务解决方案专题交流以及网络市场机遇洽谈等环节,以此帮助与会代表对中国消费者的愿望和需求具备更深入的了解。
The "one million U.S. jobs promise"“一百万个美国就业机会的承诺”
Shortly after taking office, U.S. President Donald Trump met with Ma to discuss ways in which Alibaba could help create jobs in America via sales to the booming Chinese consumer market. They agreed that by allowing Americans to make use of Alibaba's Tmall platform, it would bring a million new jobs in the U.S. over the next five years thanks to cross border e-commerce sales to China.美国总统唐纳德·特朗普在入主白宫后不久就曾与马云进行洽谈,商谈阿里巴巴集团如何能够帮助美国打开日益兴盛的中国消费市场,借此为美国创造就业机会。双方达成协议,允许美国商家利用阿里巴巴的天猫购物平台,利用这一通向中国的跨国际电商纽带,在未来五年里为美国创造一百万个新就业机会。
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