Being skinny can raise the risk of depression, researchers warn囧研究:瘦人更容易得抑郁症
Being skinny can raise your risk depression, experts believe.专家们称,过分骨感可能会增加抑郁的风险。
Experts believe they have found the first evidence of a significant link between being underweight and being depressed.他们称已经找到了第一手的证据,能够证明体重过低和抑郁之间有重大关系。
And it seems both men and women are affected by negative thoughts about being too thin.This differs from depression among obese people, which mostly affects women.和肥胖不同,肥胖的影响人群大部分是女人,而体重过低,不论男女,都会时常被消极的想法所困扰。
However, experts from Seoul National University of Medicine, who led the study, were unable to say whether depression leads to thinness or vice versa.然而这项研究的组织者,来自首尔国立大学医学院的专家们也无法证明抑郁是否会造成消瘦或者是否消瘦就一定会导致抑郁。
Writing in the British Journal of Psychiatry, the team analysed data from 183 separate studies.They found that obesity increased the risk for depression in a dose-response manner - the fatter people were, the more depressed they felt.这项研究结果发表在英国精神病学杂志上,团队一共分析了183人。他们发现肥胖症和抑郁之间呈现一种剂量反应关系——体重越高的人越容易感觉抑郁。
But they noted gender differences according to how people felt about being overweight.但是专家们注意到,男人和女人在对待超重这个问题上的态度是不同的。
They said: “It seems that the current ideal of thinness affects women more than their male counterparts and causes more psychological distress in women, which can, in turn, lead to depression.他们说:“相较于男人,如今人们对于瘦的标准对女人的影响似乎要更大,同时也增加了她们的心理压力,而这种压力反过来则会导致抑郁。”
“In contrast, men who are overweight showed a significantly decreased risk of depression.”The experts said previous research has suggested that men are more likely to be of a “jolly fat”disposition than women.专家们称,“相较而言,超重的男人得抑郁的概率则要小得多。”他们说之前的研究已经表明,男人比女人更容易“享受肥胖之乐”。
They concluded: “Both underweight and obesity increase the risk of depression.“In clinical practice, medical care providers should pay attention to the mental health of people who are underweight.“Likewise, women who are overweight and obese populations should also be monitored for possible depression.”因此他们得出结论:过瘦或过胖都会增加患抑郁症的风险。在临床实践中,医护人员要重点注意体重过轻的患者的精神健康。同样,也要检查超重的女性和患有肥胖症的人群是否有抑郁的倾向。
Dr Agnes Ayton, vice-chairman of the eating disorders faculty at the Royal College of Psychiatrists, said: “This large study confirms that optimal nutrition is fundamentally important for physical and mental health. Both being underweight and obese is associated with an increased risk of depression.艾格尼丝·艾顿博士是英国皇家精神科医学院中饮食障碍系的副主任,她说:“这项大型研究进一步证实了优化营养对于身心健康有着根本性的重要作用。”
“It is an important finding, as people with eating disorders often assume that losing weight will improve their happiness.这项研究十分重要,因为患有饮食障碍的人经常误认为减轻体重会提高他们的幸福感。”
“This study shows that the opposite is true and malnutrition has a detrimental effect on people’s mood. Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for good mental health.”而这项研究表明,事实恰恰相反,营养不良对人们的情绪有着破坏性的影响。保持标准体重才是心理健康的基础。
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