As a non-native English speaker, how can I improve my accent?作为一个英语不是母语的人,我该如何让英语口音更地道?
获得2.8k好评的回答@Mikkel Haaheim
Several respondants suggest imitating the sound. 很多人建议模仿口音。
However, conscious imitation brings in influences that can actually interfere with the natural process.但是,刻意模仿可能会干扰自然习得的过程。
Your TRYING to speak without an accent might be causing that accent. 你试图避免口音很可能会导致另一种口音。
If you really want to speak with a "native" English accent (and, as has already been pointed out, there is no single native accent, even within a precise dialect), then the best way is to immerse yourself among speakers who share that accent (there is no such thing as speaking without an accent). 如果你真的想要一口“地道”的口音(而且我已经说过,有不止一种地道的口音,甚至在同一个方言里都有不止一种),那么你最好让自己沉浸在有这种口音的人群中(不存在完全没有口音的说法)。
Every chance you get, surroung yourself with native speakers. Listen to them (but do NOT try to analyse or imitate them). 只要有机会,就接触母语者,让他们都聚在你身边。听他们讲话(但是不要试图分析或者模仿他们)。
More importantly, speak with them. It is the natural exchange of speech that results in speech patterns starting to match one another, so you need both. 更重要的是,和他们交谈。这是语言之间最自然的交换,使得言语表达模式开始和彼此匹配,所以听和说都是你需要的。
This does not happen overnight.这一切不是一夜之间就会进步的。
If you can't immerse yourself in the actual environment of native speakers, try buying some DVDs of English movies.如果你没办法让自己沉浸在一个真正的全母语者环境中,试着买一些英文电影的DVD吧。
Learn the lines, and act out the parts of ONE of the characters.学习台词,然后选择一个角色的部分表演出来。
Listen to the other characters, and then say thelines of the character you choose to act out. 听其他角色的台词,然后讲出你选择表演的角色的台词。
Watch the movie again, and choose another character. 再看一遍电影,选择另一个角色来表演。
This is probably as close to a natural process as you will be able to achieve if you can not get yourself into a group of native speakers.这应该是在你没办法和母语者接触的情况下,你可以做到的最接近语言自然习得的方式了。
If you DO choose the DVD method, choose movies that you enjoy, but also movies with a lot of character interaction.如果你真的选择了通过DVD来练习的话,选择你喜欢的,有许多人物互动的电影吧。
或者,你还可以点击这里 ↓↓↓ 领取沪江口语速效包~
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