A stalker who allegedly asked Barack Obama's daughter Malia to marry him after turning up at her office has been detained.据说一个跟踪狂在闯进奥巴马的女儿玛利亚的办公室后,要求她嫁给他,而该跟踪狂现已被拘留。
White House stalker Jair Nilton Cardoso arrived at the company in Manhattan where Malia, 18, is working as an intern last week.白宫跟踪狂雅伊尔·尼尔顿·卡多苏来到了18岁的玛利亚位于曼哈顿的公司,玛利亚上个周在这个公司实习。
He is then accused of playing loud music and asking the former president's daughter to marry him.然后他被指责播放着很吵的音乐,要求前总统的女儿嫁给他。
He was then escorted out by two of Malia's Secret Service bodyguards.然后他就被玛利亚的两个特工保镖带走了。
Two days later Cardoso, 30, allegedly followed Malia out of another building where she also interns, sources told the New York Daily News.知情人士向纽约每日新闻透露,据说30岁的卡多苏两天后又跟着玛利亚离开了她实习所在的另一栋大楼。
He was recognised by her bodyguards because he reportedly tried to get into the White House when Malia was a member of the first family.他被玛利亚的保镖认出来了,因为据说在玛利亚还是第一家庭的一员的时候(也就是奥巴马还执政的时候),他曾试图进入白宫。
He was interviewed by Secret Service agents after arriving at Malia's workplace and he was taken away for psychiatric evaluation.在到达玛利亚的办公场所后,情报机关特工对他进行了审查,然后他就被带去进行精神鉴定了。
Officials are also considering whether to bring harassment charges against him.官方也在考虑是否向他提出(性)骚扰指控。
Malia has been enjoying life since leaving the White House.自从离开白宫后,玛利亚一直很享受生活。
In January she was snapped enjoying a luxury skiing holiday in the Rocky Mountains with a gang of 'rich kid' friends.1月份,她还被拍到和一群“富家子弟”朋友一起在洛基山滑雪,享受欢乐的假期。
Since President Obama left office in January, he has moved into a £4.8 million home in Washington DC with his family.自从奥巴马总统于一月离职,他就和家人一起搬到了华盛顿特区的一栋价值480万英镑的房子里。
The amazing property boasts nine bedrooms and is reportedly owned by Joe Lockhart — who served as the White House press secretary under Bill Clinton.据报道,这栋豪宅里有9个卧室,所有者是乔·洛克哈特。乔·洛克哈特曾担任过比尔·克林顿在白宫的新闻秘书。
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