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发表于 2017-4-26 17:54:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



  what are you doing here?Looking for my baby bro.
  你在这干什么 找我亲爱的弟弟啊
  Speaking of, would you tell yours to stop following me around? What's going on?Ask eager beaver.
  说到这 能不能让你弟弟 不要再缠着我了 怎么回事 去问他自己吧
  what are you doing here?Looking for my baby bro.
  你在这干什么 找我亲爱的弟弟啊
  Speaking of, would you tell yours to stop followingme around? What's going on?Ask eager beaver.
  说到这 能不能让你弟弟 不要再缠着我了 怎么回事 去问他自己吧
  Jeremy, what is he making you do?
  杰里米 他又逼你做什么了
  He's not making me do anything. Damon and I.Ah, no.No way. No, no, no, no.There is noDamon and you.
  他没逼我做什么 达蒙和我 啊 不 没门 不 不 不 没有什么"达蒙和你"
  There's Damon and whoever Damon's using.And those people, they end up dead.
  只有达蒙和被达蒙利用的人 而那些人最后都死翘翘了
  Whatever's going on, Jeremy,I want you to stay out of it.
  不管是什么事 杰里米 我不想你牵扯进去
  I don't really care what you want, Elena.
  我才不管你怎么想呢 埃琳娜
  It's because of you that I'm in this mess in the first place,
  so, sorry, you don't really get to tell me what I'm going to do.
  所以 对不起了 你没资格告诉我 我该怎么做
  Katherine's with Mason Lockwood?We missed it.
  凯瑟琳和梅森·洛克伍德混在一起了 我们都没注意到这一点
  He got into town right after she did.It makes perfect sense.
  凯瑟琳前脚来梅森后脚就到了 这很合情合理
  I know, but Mason Lockwood?!
  我知道 但是和梅森·洛克伍德
  Werewolf thing aside,the guy's a surfer.
  且不说他是个狼人 他还冲浪
  She's gotta be using him.She has to be.Using him for that?
  凯瑟琳肯定是在利用他 必须是 利用他做什么
  Mason Lockwood's looking for a moon stone that allegedly can break the full moon werewolfcurse.
  梅森·洛克伍德在找一块月光石 据说这可以打破对狼人的月之诅咒
  Maybe Katherine wants it as well.Why?Well...No idea.
  可能凯瑟琳也想要 为什么 这 不知道
  It's the beauty of Katherine.She's always up to something.
  这才是凯瑟琳的魅力所在 总是有所图谋
  So how are we going to find this moon stone?
  Jeremy's getting it from Tyler.Why would you involve Jeremy?
  杰里米在想办法从泰勒那拿到 你怎么会把杰里米扯进来
  He's playing Indiana Jones.He involved himself.
  他想当印第安纳·琼斯 是他自己搅和进来的
  She's this amazing girl one minute and then this raging jealous freak the next.
  她一下让你非常欣赏 一下又会变成火气很大醋坛子
  Look, you know what I think of Caroline Forbes.
  听着 知道我怎么看卡罗琳·福布斯
  She's an insecure, neurotic,bitchy little twit.
  她是个缺乏安全感 神经质 恶毒的小白痴
  Hey!But the girl's got heart. She means well.
  嘿 但是她心地善良 没有恶意
  Just gotta take the good with the bad sometimes.Yeah.
  有时优点和缺点都要接受 是啊

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