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发表于 2017-4-12 16:33:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        If you're lazy, you might enjoy having a manager who isn't doing their job properly. It can give you an out.如果你是一个懒人,你会很乐意跟随一位诸事不管的经理办事,因为这样你就能给自己一个下台阶。
        Maybe you'd like that for a day or a week. The truth is, lacking structure to be able to do your job, means that you will quickly get bored, stifled and stagnant. No one is happy working in an environment where they feel underutilized. It can get old pretty quickly.在最开始的一天或一周,你可能会觉得很自在。但真实的情况是,如果完成工作的过程缺乏管理架构,就会让你很快感到无聊,郁闷和呆滞。没有人能够愉快地在不被重用的地方工作。这只会让人老化的速度加快。
        If your manager or superior above you isn't performing well, it means you probably have to deal with it. Here are three tips to transform stagnancy to productive energy.如果你的直接上司无法称职地管理团队,这就意味着你可能有必要去解决这个问题。下面为大家介绍3个小诀窍,让团队滞后的状态转变为满满的工作能量。
        1. Ask for authority1. 请求授权
        Ask your manager if you can make judgment calls on a few decisions yourself. Take full responsibility for one or two processes in your department. This will allow you room to utilize your brain, creativity and energy and get things moving.询问经理能否让你独自就某些决策做出自己的判断。全程负责所在部门运作的一到两个阶段。你就拥有足够的空间运用大脑,创造力和能量使得事情运转起来。
        Sometimes all managers need is for their team to step up and take more off their plate so they can be more focused. When you ask for more authority, you are asking them to trust you. When you deliver on your responsibilities, you will build a foundation that will allow both of you to grow together.有时候管理者们最需要的就是推动团队前进,减轻更多负担,这样他们才能更专注于大的目标。如果你请求他们的授权,你就是请求他们信任你。只有当你不负众望完成重任,你才能打下了坚实的基础有助你和团队的共同发展。
        2. Tell stories2. 分享故事
        When you see your manager could use improvement in a specific area, ask them to share a story.如果你发现管理者在某些方面需要改进,那就请求与他分享经验。
        Tell a story of a time you worked at another company and describe in detail how a situation was handled or what actions the team took that taught you a lot. Share your story from a place of willingness to improve together rather than from a place of comparison.跟他说一说你曾经在另一家公司工作的事情,并且详细地说出你们是如何解决难题的,以及让你感到获益匪浅的团队所采取的措施。以自愿共同改善情况而不是比较作为出发点,分享你的故事。
        Stories give people a context for analysis and curiosity, which usually leads to more awareness and room for growth.经验和故事可以给对方提供一个分析情况和激发好奇心的情境,通常可以唤起更多意识和提供更多空间有助团队发展。
        3. Don't wait3. 切勿等待
        If your manager is falling short in any area, the last thing you want to do is wait it out. When you allow yourself to fall short because you are following someone else's path, it will still be held against you.如果你的管理者在某一方面做得不够称职,你最不希望等待它自己解决。如果你让自己也变得不称职是因为你追随某人的步伐,这么做最终只会对你自己造成损害。
        Having good worth ethic, means keeping at it even in the face of obstacles. In this case, your manager's falling short is your obstacle. Make a list of daily actions you can take to continue to contribute. Don't wait.秉持良好的职业道德,意味着在障碍面前也能坚持它。在这里,经理的不称职就是你的障碍。列个清单,把你能做到的保持对团队贡献的行动方案都写下来,切勿等待。

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