A pet parrot accidentally poisoned three dogs by mimicking
their owner’s voice and feeding them grapes, which is poisonous to canines.
Grapes contain a substance which can cause acute renal failure in dogs, and can
quickly kill them.
The parrot threw the fruit to the dogs while Mrs. Finch was out with her
family for the afternoon. When she arrived home, the three dogs had already
become unwell. Mrs. Finch noticed a bunch of grapes was missing from the fruit
bowl and, realising what had happened, quickly rushed all three dogs to Portland
Mrs. Finch, a housewife, said: ’Peaches flies freely around the house but
returns to her cage when I’m not home. She’s a fantastic mimic and she must have
called each dog over by name to be fed and then dropped the grapes in front of
them from her cage.’
’It was a worrying time while they were being treated but I’m so grateful
to the team at Portland Vets and it’s great to have them safely home. ’Grapes
are now banned from the house.’
Vet Anna Garvey, who treated the dogs at Portland Vets, said: ’In cases of
poisoning, speed of response is really important so Mrs. Finch did the right
thing coming to us quickly. It meant we could flush out most of the toxins
before they had a chance to cause serious harm to the dogs.
We’re delighted that this story has had a happy ending and that all three
dogs are now home again. Peaches may need to learn to throw them less toxic
snacks in future.
这个故事结局是好的这很令人开心,现在三只小狗已经回家。或许Peaches以后需要学习怎么喂小狗吃无毒的零食了。 |