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2017英语四六级备考小憩:美文鉴赏之Eric Whitacre在TED演讲(4)









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发表于 2017-4-1 22:06:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  2017年6月英语四六级考试报名已接近尾声,文都小编希望各位考生在报名备考的同时,也不要忘记英语自身的魅力。现下就为大家奉上美文鉴赏之Eric Whitacre在TED演讲:一个2000人的虚拟唱诗班高声歌唱(第四篇)。【2017英语四六级报名时间



  So two things struck me deeply about this. The first is that human beings will go to any lengths necessary to find and connect with each other. It doesn't matter the technology. And the second is that people seem to be experiencing an actual connection. It wasn't a virtual choir. There are people now online that are friends; they've never met. But, I know myself too, I feel this virtual esprit de corps, if you will, with all of them. I feel a closeness to this choir -- almost like a family.
  有两件事让我深有感触。 第一件是,人类将跨越任何距离去相互寻找和联系。 这与科技无关。 第二件是, 人们似乎正在经历的是一个真实的联系。 这不是个虚拟唱诗班。 这些在线的人们是朋友;他们从未见过。 但我也了解我自己,我感觉得到所有参与者的这一虚拟团队精神。 我感觉到这一唱诗班的亲密 -- 几乎像个大家庭。
  What I'd like to close with then today is the first look at "Sleep" by Virtual Choir 2.0. This will be a premiere today. We're not finished with the video yet. You can imagine, with 2,000 synchronized YouTube videos, the render time is just atrocious. But we do have the first three minutes. And it's a tremendous honor for me to be able to show it to you here first. You're the very first people to see this. This is "Sleep," the Virtual Choir.
  我想用来结束今天的演讲的是 由虚拟唱诗班2.0 演唱的“睡眠”的首映。 这是初次亮相。 我们还没完成这一视频。 各位能想象一下,2,000个同步的YouTube视频, 光是渲染的时间就够骇人听闻的了。 但我们完成了头三分钟。 我感到极其荣幸, 能够在这儿向各位首次展示这一视频。 各位是最先看到它的人。 这就是虚拟唱诗班歌唱的“睡眠”。
  Virtual Choir: ♫ The evening hangs ♫ ♫ beneath the moon ♫ ♫ A silver thread on darkened dune ♫ ♫ With closing eyes and resting head ♫ ♫ I know that sleep is coming soon ♫ ♫ Upon my pillow, ♫ ♫ safe in bed, ♫ ♫ a thousand pictures fill my head ♫ ♫ I cannot sleep ♫ ♫ my mind's aflight ♫ ♫ and yet my limbs seem made of lead ♫ ♫ If there are noises in the night ♫
  虚拟唱诗班:♫夜晚悬挂在♫ ♫月亮之下♫ ♫一道银丝在黑暗的沙丘之上♫ ♫紧闭的双眼和放松的头部♫ ♫我知道睡眠就要来临♫ ♫在我的枕头之上♫ ♫安睡在床上♫ ♫脑海中充满了无数画面♫ ♫我无法入睡♫ ♫我心潮澎湃♫ ♫而我的四肢像是灌满了铅♫ ♫如果在夜晚出现噪音♫
  Eric Whitacre: Thank you very, very much. Thank you. (Applause) Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you.
  埃里克·惠特克:非常非常感谢。谢谢。 (掌声) 非常感谢。谢谢。谢谢。

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