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发表于 2017-3-28 13:22:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
          Speech at a Ceremony Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of the Victory of
the Long March
          October 21, 2016
          Today, we are gathered here to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the
victory of the Long March by the Chinese Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army.
          The Long March took place at a dark time in Chinese history, a time when
China had been reduced to a semi-colonial, semi-feudal country, when crisis
lurked in all corners, and when the Japanese aggressors brutally invaded our
lands. The reactionary Kuomintang (KMT), ignoring the peril of the nation,
launched a series of large-scale “encirclement and eradication” campaigns in an
attempt to wipe out the revolutionary bases of the Communist Party of China
(CPC). This was a critical moment for the CPC and the Red Army, for China’s
revolution, and for the Chinese nation.
          In the face of this life-or-death challenge, the first, second, and fourth
front armies of the Red Army, accompanied by the 25th Red Army, carried out the
great Long March, which lasted from October 1934 to October 1936. Under the
leadership of the CPC, the Red Army displayed extraordinary wisdom and immense
bravery. Surmounting all manner of adversities and enduring great sacrifices, it
marched to a victory that stunned the world and went down in history. The
victory of the Long March marked the total failure of the KMT’s attempts to
annihilate the CPC and the Red Army. It marked the successful strategic retreat
of the CPC and Red Army to northern China, where they carried national hope for
resistance against Japanese aggression. It marked a great turning point for the
CPC and China’s revolution, putting them on the path to victory. And it marked
the beginning of a new advance by the CPC to liberate the Chinese people and
achieve national independence.
          This was an earth-shaking revolutionary feat. It was a magnificent epic
written by the CPC and Red Army, and a great milestone on the Chinese nation’s
historic path to rejuvenation.
          On behalf of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, and the Central
Military Commission, as well as the entire Party, military, and people of all
ethnic groups in China, I hereby pay my highest respects to Mao Zedong, Zhou
Enlai, Zhu De, and all the other veteran revolutionaries who led the Red Army to
this great historical accomplishment; to the soldiers of the Red Army who fought
bitterly during the Long March and who continued fighting in various parts of
the country; to the people of all ethnic groups who aided the Red Army on its
Long March, especially those in revolutionary bases; and to all those veterans
of the Red Army who are still with us today.
          Now, let us stand and observe a moment of silence for all the martyrs of
the revolution who laid down their lives during the Long March and in
revolutionary struggles across the country.

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