Patriotism,which refers to the love of one's countryand the willingness to
sacrifice for it,is a necessarycriterion for us to evaluate one's virtue
andconduct.Although Chinese people's patriotism hasdifferent contents and
features in different historicalperiods,it's always associated with the love for
the country,hometown,and people. Patriotism isa great cohesive force.When the
country is invaded or split,people can always defend nationalunity and
unification from the overall interests of the state and thejusticial cause of
theChinese nation under the influence of patriotism. Meanwhile,patriotism is a
strong andinspiring mental power that encourages people to render remarkable
services and establisha distinguished career for the people and the country.
1.是指:即…refer to。而refer to…as…意为“把…称作…”。
2.在不同的历史时期:即in different historical periods。其中historical periods
3.凝聚力:即cohesive force。cohesive意为“紧密结合的”。
4.在…的影响下:可译为under the influence of...
5.和…联系在一起:可译为be associated with...或beconnected with... |