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发表于 2017-3-22 18:44:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        1. 'Why is this position open?'1. “为什么这个职位目前空缺?”
        Why it works:提问的原因:
        Asking this question positions you as a thoughtful, big-picture job candidate who wants to know how the business is growing.提出这个问题,可以显示你是一位深思熟虑,有远见的求职者,体现你对公司发展是感兴趣的。
        Asking this question will also let you understand the context for the job. Jobs come open for two reasons: either it's a newly created position, or someone left the job.同样地,提出这个问题还能让你了解这个职位的方方面面。一般职位空缺的原因有两个:要么因为这是一个新增的职位,要么就是有人辞职。
        Neither reason is better or worse than the other – jobs are created and people leave positions for good reasons, not just suspicious ones – but you do want to look out for warning signs.不管是何种原因,哪一个都不比另一个有任何特别的意义——新增的或有人离职的,不仅是让人怀疑的原因——不过你确实需要注意一些警告标志。
        What to look out for:需要留意哪些地方:
        If a new position was created because someone else is overworked and needs support, be on high alert. Companies usually wait to hire an extra position until the person is working 1.5x their capacity. This often means the new position will be made up of random, disorganized tasks that someone else can't get to — and there may be more things on your to-do list than you expect.如果是因为公司里有人工作过度需要支持才增添的这个职位,请保持高度警觉。通常公司机构不会随便招聘,除非有人的工作量已经达到了1.5倍。而且这通常意味着新的职位的任务就是那些杂乱无章的、别人无法完成的任务,那么就意味你的待办事项就要增添更多任务了。
        If the position is open because someone left it, ideally it's because they were promoted. If they took a new job somewhere else or the interviewer gives negative feedback about the person, those can be warning signs that the person left because of overwork.如果这个空缺职位是因为有人离职了,理想情况下是因为他们被擢升了。如果他们在别的公司找到了新工作或者面试官给那个人作出了负面的评价,那么这些情况下就会成为某人过度工作而离职造成的警告标志。
        2. 'Tell me about the typical day-to-day of this position.'2. “请告诉我这个职位的日常工作有哪些。”
        Why it works:提问的原因:
        Not only is this interview question a great way to see if the job will line up with your skills, but it also will give you an idea of who you'll be interacting with and what you'll be doing on a daily basis.提出这个问题,不仅能够很好的了解这份工作是否与你的技能相匹配,还能让你了解你将来共事的人们以及日常职务是什么。
        What to look out for:需要留意哪些地方:
        If the day-to-day job description starts with, "It depends …" there's a good chance that your schedule will not be as regular and controlled as you'd like. Whenever your job's duties depend on other people's actions, you have less control over your day and, therefore, more stress in it. What you're looking for in this answer is a clear list of tasks and responsibilities that aren't contingent on other people's actions.如果这份职业的日常工作是“依情况而定……”的话,那么很有可能与你想象的按部就班就大相径庭。因为无论何时,你的职责得取决于他人的行动,那么你就对自己的日常安排缺少了自主性,因此,就大大增加了工作压力。你需要通过这个问题了解到的是一份清晰的日常任务和职责的清单,而且是不受他人影响的。
        3. 'What defines success for this position?'3. “这个职位的最大成就是什么?”
        Why it works:提问的原因:
        This is an all-around exceptional question to ask a prospective employer because it allows you to clearly identify the expectations for the job. However, it also works to scan for a stressful job because it allows you to assess how stressful the clearly defined goals will be to achieve.这是一个全面而又标新立异的问题,可以通过询问潜在雇主更清晰地了解这份工作的期待值。然而,这个问题还能检验一份工作是否压力重大,因为你可以从中预估完成这份工作的目标时所需要承受的压力有多大。
        What to look out for:需要留意哪些地方:
        The answer to this question should be a list of clearly defined deliverables. If the answer incorporates a lot of intangible results, such as, "Coach employees for increased department-wide teamwork," or "Better processes for all of our deliverables," you may be setting yourself up a job in which you'll be responsible for other people's behavior — and that's stressful.这个问题的回答应该清晰涵盖明确的工作任务的。如果对方的回答模糊不清,比如“培训员工增进部门内的团队合作能力”或“更好地处理所有的目标”,那么你可能就让自己陷入一个为他人行为买单的陷阱里了——那是压力非常大的。
        You won't know if you want the job offer if you don't have a sense of how stressful the job will be. In your next interview, be sure to ask these interview questions to gauge just how stressful a new job might be.你一天不了解这份工作有多大的压力,你是不会知道自己是否想要拿下这个职位的。所以在你下一次面试的时候,要记得向面试官提出上面这几个问题,以此衡量这份新工作的压力值如何。

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