Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
Radius is the distance from the center of the circle to the circumference. What is the radius? What does it refer to? Why is it important?
This week's topic: It was the radius... (90-110 words)
1) calculate the area of the circle with the radius
2) the search radius
3) the plural of radius is radii
4) air space radius of an airport
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.
He had been hanging around the premise of the club for the past week. Within about a block radius, he knew what stores and shops there were like the back of his hand. He was especially familiar with which ones were good as stake out locations for him to observe what was going on around the club. Doug found the coffee shop and pizza place best for staking out. Those two places were the most comfortable, and because the traffic was high, there were lots of people going in and out all the time.
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