Midsummer magic: Fine food, fairytales and flowers on a June journey through Sweden仲夏之梦:与美食,童话和花朵一起相约在六月的瑞典
Next week, the streets of Sweden's capital will empty, as Stockholm' s citizens set off on an annual pilgrimage. Midsummer has a special resonance in Scandinavia, and the celebrations of 24 hours of sunlight, which fall in mid-June, traditionally take place in the quiet coves of the archipelago.下个星期,瑞典首都的街头将万人空巷,因为斯德哥尔摩的市民都将开始一场年度的朝圣之行。斯堪的那维亚半岛的仲夏总会引发特殊的情感共鸣,而六月中旬的极昼庆典,则往往在群岛安静的小海湾中举行。
There are over 24,000 islands in the archipelago, some accessible by bridges others reached only by ferry over the Baltic sea. The further you drift from the city the simpler and more earthy life becomes. 'There are no shops, no cars and we carry our luggage to the house with wheelbarrows. Until around midnight the sky is bright, and then it’s like dusk, with a red golden glow.'那里有超过24000个岛屿的群岛,一些岛屿可以通过桥梁达到,而另一些只有依靠穿梭在波罗的海中的渡船。离城市越远,就会离简单而朴实的生活越近。"那里没有商店,没有汽车,我们用手推车把行李搬运到房子里。直到快至午夜之时,天空还是如黄昏般明亮,红金色的光芒在天际熠熠生辉。"
The bus winds its way out of the city through tall pines and wooden houses straight out of Grimms' fairy tales. I'm on my way to the island of Sandhamn, whose population swells to over triple each summer. The hourly Cinderella ferry chugs past larger inhabited islands, and tiny islets, with sea-salt stained rocks.公共汽车从城市中蜿蜒穿过,途经那些如同格林童话中一样的高大松树和木制房屋。我正在去斯德哥尔摩群岛的路上,那里的人口在每年夏天都会膨胀到三倍以上。每小时一次的灰姑娘渡轮在吱呀声中划过那些较大的有人居住的岛屿,小岛还有那些海盐色的岩石。
On Svartloga, home to the world's smallest post office and one of the remotest enclaves, there is no electricity. But if you prefer luxuries, try Sandhamn. In 1897, the Sandhamn Yacht hotel was built as a boat club for the Royal Swedish Yacht Club.Svartloga拥有世界上最小的邮局和最偏远的飞地(指在本国境内的隶属另一国的一块领土),那里没有电。但是如果你热爱奢侈品,那么不妨试试看,你会喜欢上斯德哥尔摩的。1897年,斯德哥尔摩游艇酒店为瑞典皇家游艇俱乐部建造了一个轮船俱乐部。 |