新概念三Lesson 28 的主人公讨价还价了老半天,到头来买到的却是支不能写的钢笔……现实生活里,去小店购物总是要砍砍价才有乐趣嘛。对于某些脸皮薄的童鞋砍价可是门技术活儿,本期文化大爆炸为大家介绍一些砍价的基本贴士。
How to Bargain?
With the exception of some modern malls and stores, most shops don't have price tags on products so shopkeepers will come up with a price depending on the customer. Bargaining is expected so shoppers have to be prepared to first be given a price two to 10 times higher than what the seller will actually accept for the product. Learning some basic bargaining skills will help ensure you don't walk into shops feeling overwhelmed and then walk away feeling ripped off.除了在一些现代大商场和商店里,很多的小店并没有标明价格,那是因为店主往往会根据顾客来定价哦。因为知道你会与他砍价,所以店主第一次给出的价钱很可能是底价的两到十倍。学习一些砍价小技巧吧,这样你在走进小店的时候不会觉得不知所措,离开的时候也不会觉得“上了贼船”……
Find out where the Locals are shopping. Shop owners will be used to selling things for less. Tourist areas are going be full of shop owners who know they can get more from their buyers.寻找本地人都会去哪里购物(在旅途中尤为适用!)。那里的店主都会开出比较低的价格。在景区里的商家都会想着怎么从你身上得到更多的钱!
Learn some of the shopping lingo. The more experienced you appear, the more the seller will assume you know how things go.学几句行话。你表现得越懂行,店主就会认为你很了解行情。
When possible, plan multiple purchases from the same person rather than buying something here and something there. It’s easier to get cheaper prices on multiple purchases.如果可能的话,从同一家店里买较多的东西,而不是这家买一些那家买一些。因为你买的多的话就很容易得到折扣哟。
Never look too excited about a product. The more you show you want it, the more the salesperson will assume you’ll pay. If you’re not getting the price you want, begin to walk away and see if she’ll give in. If not, you’re either dealing with a stubborn salesperson or you’re actually asking for too low a price.不要表现出对某个商品的过分喜爱!你看上去越想买,卖家的底气就越足啊!哈哈,如果你觉得砍不下去了。绝招就是:假装走开,看看她会不会同意你的价钱。如果她就这样放你走了……恭喜你,你遇上了个顽固的卖家,或者是你真的砍的太低了!
Have exact change for what you want to pay in a shop. Avoid showing wads of money or asking for change from a large bill.在付款前请准备一些零钱,避免掏出一大叠钱或者到处去换零钱。 |