Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
Coherent means that things are connected logically, leading from one to another. What is coherent? Why is is coherent? What is the outcome?
This week's topic: It was coherent... (90-110 words)
1) coherent thoughts
2) coherent alibi
3) a coherent group
4) coherent steps
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.
Wolfe, like everyone else, was typing away on the computer, putting the notes he jotted down into a coherent article. The notification sound of the incoming text message was slight. Without taking his hands off the keyboard, he peeked over and scanned the text message displayed on his phone screen. As expected, it was staff from the editing room reminding him to submit his article, once again, before the cut-off time. The message was basically sent to everyone. The staff would not expect a reply, so Wolfe did not bother sending one.
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