发表于 2017-3-16 20:12:49
For every Glenn, there is a brother like Jay—or a sister, or a son or daughter, or mother or father, or a friend or colleague~who turns your grace out and spins it around the world, creating ripples from what had been overwhelming grief. Jay and his friend David Paine started My Good Deed,a campaign to establish September 11th as a National Day of Service and Remembrance. I was very honored to have volunteered along with my staff on behalf of My Good Deed, and to proudly support the efforts that it represented by co-sponsoring legislation in the Senate. And finally, it became law in April, when President Obama signed the Edward Kennedy Serve America Act. And many of you lobbied for this legislation. You gave countless hours of effort, and now you are giving life by volunteering in your communities to the concept of what service truly means. And I thank you for your contributions.
对于每一个像格伦那样的英雄来说,他们都有一个像杰伊这样的兄弟,或者 姐妹,或者儿女,或者父母,又或者是朋友或同事。他们把你的恩典播撒在世界各 地,从而抚慰那些无比悲痛的心灵。杰伊和他的朋友大卫佩恩开展了名为“我的 慷慨行动”的活动,旨在将9月11日设定为全民服务纪念日。我很荣幸能代表“我的 慷慨行动”与同事们一起成为志愿者,并为能够支持这项事业感到十分骄倣,因为 这项事业也是由参议院共同发起的议案的代表。最终,在四月份,奥巴马总统签署了《爱德华肯尼迪国家服务法案》,标志着这次活动以法律的形式确立了下来。 你们许多人都曾宣扬此次立法,你们曾付出无数努力,现在你们又全身心地投入到 志愿为社区服务的事业中去,用行动阐释了服务的真正内涵。在这里我要感谢你们 所作的贡献。
This Act, named after one of our nation’s greatest public servants, will help to usher in a new era of service, creating volunteer opportunities for 250,000 Americans by the year 2017. It will create a core of volunteers working on clean energy and education,veterans’ issues, and challenges facing low-income communities.
这部法律以我国其中一位最伟大的公仆的名字命名,它将有助于引领一个服务 新时代,到2017年,将产生为25万美国人民提供志愿服务的机会。它将创立一个志 愿者核心团体,专门致力于清洁能源和教育、退役军人问题以及低收入群体所面临 的各种挑战。
And today, as part of our first official National Day of Service and Remembrance, Americans are planning to volunteer. And that’s what’s been going on across our country—giving their time through non-profit charities and other service organizations, strengthening our communities. In Chicago,students kicked off a semester-long project to collect 2,974 pairs of shoes to donate to a homeless shelter~ representing each person lost in the 9/11 attacks. In Washington D.C. volunteers are recruiting and training tutors for underperforming elementary school students. And in Syracuse, New York, today, the Rescue Mission has served breakfast, lunch, and dinner to the homeless.
今天,作为第一个全民服务纪念日的一分子,美国人民正计划投入志愿服务活 动。这些服务活动将遍及整个国家,他们在非盈利慈善机构和其他服务性组织付出 宝贵的时间,不断增强我们的社会团体。在芝加哥,学生们启动了一个为期半学年 的项目,在该项目中,他们收集了2974双鞋子以捐献给一个无家可归的人群的避难 所,这个数字正是在11”事件中丧生的人数。在华盛顿,志愿者为成绩不佳的 小学生招募并培训家庭老师。而今在锡拉丘兹、纽约,救援队为无家可归者提供了 —日三餐。在奥斯汀、得克萨斯州,一个社区协会全体出动为科罗拉多河野生动物 保护区进行大清扫。在康乃狄格州,为了帮助那些需要帮助的学生两个年轻的学生摆起汽水摊筹集资金。在亚特兰大,一群公民为消防队和警察局送去了自制的糖果 篮,对奋战在前线而且至今仍坚守在各自的岗位上尽职尽责的人们表示敬意。
In Austin, Texas, a neighborhood association is out cleaning up the Colorado River Wildlife Sanctuary. Two young students in Connecticut set up a lemonade stand to raise money for a uniform drive to help benefit other school children in need. And in Atlanta, a group of citizens put together homemade goody baskets for fire and police stations to pay tribute to our first responders who stand watch and are on duty today. As individuals and as a country, one of the only certainties that we have in life is the expectation of challenge, whether we are suddenly confronted with a lost job or a disease in our family, a natural disaster in our community, or an act of terror against our nation. In response to adversity, we will rise to the call of service because we discover that we gain more than we give, and because serving is one way to express what it means to be an American.
无论是作为个人还是整个国家,有一点是毋庸置疑,那就是时刻作好迎接挑战 的准备,不管是面临突如其来的失业,还是亲人的病倒,或者社会中的自然灾害, 抑或是国家遭遇的恐怖袭击,一旦发生,我们都不能惊慌失措。我们要响应服务的 号召应对灾难,因为我们不仅会发现,付出换回的是更多的回报,还因为付出是表 达我们美国人真正内涵的一种方式。
So let’s go out and serve even more, inspired by today. Take that time to coach a child’s basketball team, or serve on a commission,or run for elected office. We’re helping knit together the social fabric that makes America stronger and more durable.
所以,让我们带着今天的激情走出去,为更多的人提供服务0利用那些时间来 指导一个孩子的篮球队,或者服务于某个委员会,或者是竞选公职。我们正努力使 社会各部分团结在一起,使美国更强大、更韧性。
And now, in this new century, with all the old and the new threats and challenges we face—some of which we can’t anticipate or even imagine~we need to rely on the Americans spirit of service even more.
在新的世纪里,面对各种新旧威胁和挑战——它们有些是我们无法预料,甚至 是无法想象的,所以我们只有更加依赖于美国人的服务精神,才能去应对那些威胁 和挑战。
For eight years, I had the extraordinary privilege of representing this great state in the United States Senate. Now, as Secretary of State, working with President Obama, I have another privilege and honor, to ensure that our country stays safe and secure. We remain vigilant in combating the threat of violent extremism. We're recruiting new allies and creating new partnerships to go after and defeat al-Qaida and the extremist networks. Through this work~and my travel to other continents~ I am acutely aware that in order to be strong abroad, we must be strong at home. So we need you to help us continue strengthening yourselves, our communities, and our nation.
八年来,我极其有幸地代表这个伟大的国家服务于美国参议院。而如今,作为 和奥巴马总统一起努力的国务卿,我又获得了另一份特权和殊荣,那就是确保我们 国家的安宁与安全。在与暴力极端主义威胁进行斗争时,我们要保持警惕。我们正 在招募新的同盟国,并建立新的伙伴关系,以此来追击和打败所有的基地组织和极 端主义团伙。通过这项工作,加上我对其他大洲的访问后,我深知要想在国外树立 强大的形象,我们必须让国家内部强大起来。因此,我需要你们的帮助,需要你们 不断地壮大自己,壮大我们的社会和我们的国家。