Foxes are my guide animal. Whenever I’m struggling the most, they always show up somehow. I have several fox tattoos and I’m probably gonna get more.狐狸是为我指引方向的动物。每当我奋力前行的时候,他们总会莫名其妙地出现。我有几个狐狸图案的纹身,而且我可能会去再纹几个。
In January 2017 I traveled to Tokyo to get a TESOL certificate. I live in Mexico, so being in Japan is one of those once in a lifetime opportunity. That’s why I couldn’t let go the chance of paying a visit to the Fox Village.2017年1月,我去东京取一个对外英语教学证书。我在墨西哥生活,所以,这次来日本是一次千载难逢的机会。因此我不能放弃这次去狐狸村参观的机会。
It was a 2 hours ride on the Shinkansen (bullet train) to get to Shiroishi, Miyagi. Once I got there, I asked the guard could I get a taxi and he was super nice and called one for me. This is not a strange thing in Japan, it seems to me that everywhere people are extremely friendly and they go out of their way to help you.乘坐新干线两个小时就到了宫城县白石町。我一到那儿就问警卫,我能叫一辆出租车吗?他人非常好,为我叫了一辆出租车。在日本这并不是什么奇怪的事情,似乎无论我来到何处,人们都特别友好,而且他们会尽力帮你。
5 minutes later, as he said on the phone, the taxi driver was there. On the way, he showed me an album of Zao Kitsune Mura (Fox Village) which only made my excitement levels go over the top.正如他在电话中说的那样,5分钟之后,出租车司机就到了。路上,司机师傅向我展示了一本狐狸村的摄影集,这使我的兴奋程度达到了顶点。
After 30 minutes we finally arrived. He gave me a card with his phone number and told me I could ask someone to call him whenever I was done.30分钟后,我们终于到达(狐狸村)。他给了我一张带有他电话的卡片,并告诉我,无论我在何时结束参观,都可以请别人打电话给他。
The entrance fee is only 1000¥ (8usd) and they explain to you in English how to behave yourself inside. If a fox gets too close you are supposed to show dominance. Don’t lean down cause they might approach behind you and try to bite. Be careful with your backpack and belongings cause they are territorial animals which mean they are probably gonna pee on your stuff. And most importantly, under any circumstances do not attempt to touch them.(狐狸村的)门票只需1000日元(8美元),而且他们会用英文为你解释狐狸村里的规矩。如果一只狐狸离你太近了,你就应表明自己的优势。不要俯下身来让他们从身后接近你,并试图咬你。留意你的背包和行李,因为它们是圈地盘的动物,这就意味着他们可能会在你的东西上撒尿。最重要的是,无论如何,不要试图触碰他们。
Of course, I didn’t follow any of these instructions. I traveled all the way from Mexico, what was I supposed to do, just not do it? And nope, I didn’t get peed on.当然,我不会遵循这些指令。我从墨西哥远道而来,应该做点什么呢?就什么都不做?不。而且,我不会让它们在我的东西上撒尿的。
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