“The Big Bang Theory” spinoff is making movement, setting its core cast, including the young star who will play the childhood version of Sheldon has been cast.《生活大爆炸》衍生剧有了新进展,确定了主演,包括饰演谢耳朵儿时的演员也确定了。
Iain Armitage is being eyed for the coveted lead role in the hot comedy, simply titled “Sheldon,” to star as the young version of Sheldon Cooper — the role made famous on “The Big Bang Theory” by Jim Parsons, who will serve as an executive producer on the spinoff. Iain Armitage就是将要饰演这部喜剧《Sheldon》的主角——谢耳朵的小时候,在《生活大爆炸》里谢耳朵由Jim Parsons饰演,他也将担任这部衍生剧的执行制片人。
However, the project doesn’t official have a formal pilot order yet, is looking toward a 13-episode order for its first season.然而,本剧官方还未发布订购,不过第一季可能是共13集。 |