CBS intends to launch its much-anticipated revamp of “Star Trek” for its growing “All Access” broadband service some time in late summer or early fall, according to Leslie Moonves, chief executive of CBS Corp.据CBS的CEO Leslie Moonves 透露,CBS有意将其备受期待的新一部《星际迷航》于All Access频道在夏季末或者秋初的时候首播。
Speaking at an investor conference organized by Morgan Stanley, the CBS chief said, “Star Trek: Discovery,” the new series, required “a lot of post-production” but that he was “confident” in its quality.在Morgan Stanley组织的一次投资方会议上,CBS的CEO说道,“《星际迷航:探索号》,需要更多的后期制作,但他对本剧质量有信心。” |