All men must die, and all shows must end. Sadly, that's the truth, and when it applies to HBO's Game of Thrones, it's even sadder.凡人皆有一死,凡剧也都要结局。这句是真话,特别是当神剧《权力的游戏》要结局的时候,更加令人悲伤。
As the series heads into its final seasons, it's hard not to feel a sense of finality in the air. Dany is finally heading to Westeros, after all, which means television's absolute best fantasy show about killing off the nice guys will be gone from our televisions forever at the conclusion of Season 8.随着这部剧在一步一步走向大结局,我们也很容易感觉到结局即将到来的情绪。随着离第八季大结局越来越近,龙母终于要朝着维斯特洛大陆进发了,这也意味着这部剧将会进入最后的高潮,也意味着很多我们喜欢的角色都会被“便当”。
Fans aren't the only ones circling the drain of depression; the Game of Thrones cast, many of whom have made their careers out of the show, will also be saying goodbye to the series. So how are they feeling? They're not looking forward to it either.而粉丝们不是唯一难过的群体,《权力的游戏》的演员们也将跟这部剧说再见。所以这部剧的演员们是怎么想的呢?他们也不想这一天太早来到。
Alfie Allen, the sensitive guy who plays Theon/Reek, is just sad that he won't be able to hang out with his actor friends as much because the seasons are shorter.在剧中扮演席恩(臭佬)的Alfie Allen说,最让他不开心的就是不能在和剧中的演员们一起玩耍了,因为每一季越来越短。
Game of Thrones returns for Season 7 later this year.《权力的游戏》第七季将会在今年晚些时候开播。 |