Gemma is extremely caring and sensitive. She pays a great deal of attention to others’ emotions and is kind and considerate. Her colleagues love working with her because they see her as a beacon of calm. Gemma’s manager enjoys dealing with her, as she rarely complains about anything, is reliable and dependable.吉玛(Gemma)为人十分关怀体贴和敏感。她十分在意他人的情绪,对人温和体贴。她的同事十分喜爱与她共事,因为他们把她当作镇静的明灯。无论工作时面对多么难忍的压力,吉玛都能充满热情且永远保持冷静。吉玛的上司享受与她打交道的过程,因为她鲜少抱怨,为人可靠。
The main reason for this is Gemma’s high emotional intelligence (EQ), which explains all of the qualities described above.吉玛能这样是因为其较高的情商,这也解释了她所拥有的上面提到的所有品质。
But is higher EQ always beneficial? Most things are better inmoderation, and there is a downside to every human trait.但更高的EQ是否总是有益的?大多数事情若适度而为,才会更好,再说了,每一种人类特点都有不好的一面。
Lower levels of creativity and innovation potential创造力和创新潜力水平较低
While it is of course possible for creative people to be emotionally intelligent, the more common pattern for people like Gemma is to be great at following processes, building relations, and working with others but to lack the necessary levels of nonconformity and unconventionality that can drive them to challenge the status quo and replace it with something new.虽然富有创造力的人的确可能拥有高情商,但对于和吉玛相像的人,他们展现的更普遍的规律是:非常擅长遵循流程、建立关系,和与他人共事,但是缺乏必要的特立独行和非常规思维,无法驱动自身去挑战现状和用一些新事物去替代它。
Difficulty giving and receiving negative feedback在给予和接受负面反馈方面有困难
High EQ scorers like Gemma can be so highly adjusted and cool-headed that they may be indifferent to any negative feedback they receive. Indeed, high EQ scores can be hard to shake up, since they are generally so calm, adjusted, and positive.如吉玛一样在情商方面得分较高,可能使得个人拥有较高适应力和异常冷静的头脑,也因此他们可能对于收到的负面反馈漠不关心。的确,高情商者很难收到影响,毕竟他们通常十分镇静、适应力强,以及积极乐观。
Reluctance to ruffle people’s feathers不愿激怒他人
Although people like Gemma are psychologically well-endowed for entry-level or midlevel management jobs, senior leadership roles will require the ability to make unpopular choices often, bring about change, and focus on driving results, even at the expense of sacrificing employee relations.尽管吉玛这一类人在心理上天赋异禀,适合初级或中级的管理工作,但是高级领导角色要求,个体有能力经常制定不受欢迎的选择,带来改变,且致力于成就累累硕果,即便是要牺牲雇员关系也在所不惜。
A well-developed ability to manipulate others十分擅长控制他人
Gemma’s high EQ may help her empathize and deliver a message that feels right to the audience — this is often a good thing. Taken too far, however, it can slide from influencing others to engaging in tactics of manipulation. 吉玛的高情商或许能够帮她感他人之所感,然后传递感觉上不错的信息——这通常是一件好事。然而,倘若此能力过火了,它会从影响他人,变成控制他人的手段。
An aversion to risk厌恶冒险
Most innovative ventures require a balance between risk taking and risk avoidance. People like Gemma are much more likely to play it safe and avoid bold choices. This is because high EQ is associated with higher levels of conscientiousness.大多数创新型事业要求在冒险和避险方面找到平衡。吉玛等人更可能谨慎行事,避免制定大胆的决定。这是因为高情商和高责任心是密不可分的。 |