This week's topic: Less Happiness (90-110 words)
1) Share your story of happiness
2) Are u happy now? Why or why not?
3) Why people feel less happier nowadays ? 为什么人们觉得没有以前幸福了?
4) Anything you would like to write
Sense of happiness appears to be rather harder to attain nowadays, especially for those who live in front-tier cities and strive for livings. On the one hand, the young generations, most of whom have received higher education and at least owned a bachelor degree, feel frustrated for their talent when enter into a career with a meager salary. Moreover, it is of unlimited possibility that they cannot afford a house based on their diligent whole-life work. On the other hand, thanks to the one-child-only policy, innumerable aging people will spend their life in Senior Citizen Home. Under such circumstances, it is not demanding to understand why individuals` happiness are absent.
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