1.Beginner’s Greek by James Collins1.詹姆斯·柯林斯《一见钟情》
This sweet, simple romance begins on a cross-country flight. James Collins' debut novel is well written, delightful reading for your next trip.这份甜蜜、纯真的浪漫始于一次越野飞行。詹姆斯·柯林斯的处女作《一见钟情》笔触细腻、浪漫温情,定能为您的旅行带来愉悦。
2. When You are Engulfed in Flames by David Sedaris2.大卫·赛德瑞斯《火焰》
David Sedaris is hilarious. His latest collection of essays will keep you entertained, but allow you to put the book down easily between stories so that you can do some sight-seeing.大卫·赛德瑞斯,美国著名幽默作家。他的作品既能令读者产生愉悦之情,又易使他们放下书中的故事,怡情惬意。
3.People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks3.杰拉尔丁·布鲁克斯《书之人》
People of the Book takes place mostly in Europe over several centuries, and would be great reading for a cross-Atlantic flight.《书之人》是一部历史文化小说,时间线横跨数个世纪的欧洲。是一本不错的旅行读物。
4. Beneath a Marble Sky by John Shors4.约翰·肖尔斯《大理石天空下》
Beneath a Marble Sky is a fictional story surrounding the building of the Taj Mahal. This novel would please those who like romance combined with adventure.《大理石天空下》是一本虚构小说,故事围绕泰姬陵周边而展开。拥有浪漫情怀和冒险精神的人,会喜欢这本小说。
5.The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon5.马克·拉登《深夜小狗神秘事件》
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the night-time is told from the viewpoint of an autistic teenager. See the world through different eyes, laugh out loud, and discover who killed the neighbor's dog. This is a thoughtful and entertaining novel.《深夜小狗神秘事件》全文出自一位自闭症少年之口。读者能够借助不同角色的视角,体验世态人情,找出杀害小狗的真正凶手。该小说发人深思,又不乏趣味。 |