After years of hide-and-seek with the media, actress Shu Qi and director Stephen Fung (冯德伦) came out as a couple and announced their marriage on Saturday (Sept 3).在和媒体进行了多年的捉迷藏游戏之后,演员舒淇在9月3日星期六公布了自己和导演冯德伦的恋情和婚讯。
Shu Qi, 40, and Fung, 42, tied the knot in Prague, where he is directing her in The Adventurers, a treasure hunt movie also starring Jean Reno and Andy Lau, said the report.40岁的舒淇和42岁的冯德伦,把他们的婚礼地点选在了布拉格。据悉冯德伦正在布拉格导演一部寻宝电影《The Adventurerers》,演员有舒淇、让·雷诺、刘德华。
The newlyweds said in a press statement: "We've known each other for 20 years and been in love for four years. Yes, we've decided to be entangled with each other for life."这对新婚恋人告诉媒体:“我们彼此已经相识20年、恋爱4年了。是的,我们决定彼此纠缠一生。”
They thanked their fans, and added: "You can miss anything, but don't miss out on the one who loves you."他们感谢了粉丝们的祝福,还说:“你什么都可以错过,但不要错过那个爱你的人。”
Nipping baby rumours before they could bud, the statement concluded: "PS we're currently not pregnant".为避免怀孕谣言,他们还 |