Sir Ian McKellen is in China this week, and we've got the pictures to prove it.伊恩·麦克莱恩爵士本周已经来上海了,有图为证。
Yesterday, the legendary Academy Award-nominated British actor of Lord of the Rings fame was spotted at the People's Square Marriage Market, AKA the spot that was at the center of that powerful SK-II Leftover Women ad from earlier this year.昨天,这位因《指环王》而获得奥斯卡提名的英国传奇男演员现身人民广场相亲角——也就是今年早些时候SK-II广告中汇聚了诸多内心强大的大龄剩女的那个地方 。
In one photo circulating on social media, Gandalf McKellen was shown holding a sign showing off his credentials.在一张流传于社交网络的照片中,“甘道夫”麦克莱恩拿着一张标识牌,上面写着他的基本信息(伦敦有房剑桥毕业!这相亲信息真·霸气)
Another image showed him holding a sign with a classic Shakespeare quote ("Love Looks Not With the Eyes, But With the Mind").在另一张照片中,他的标识牌上写着一句经典的莎士比亚名言(“爱情不是用眼睛而是用心灵看的”)。
And here he is at the Bund, with this classic quote from The Tempest:"We are such stuff as dreams are made on."这张摄于外滩,标识牌上是《暴风雨》中的至理名言:“我们不过是造梦的材料。”
Sir Ian was also spotted in Beijing last week. He was snapped getting his tourist on at the Summer Palace, Great Wall and Forbidden City, sporting signs with Shakespeare quotes at each spot.上周,人们还在北京看到过伊恩·麦克莱恩爵士,抓拍到他到颐和园、长城、故宫游览,而且每到一处都会亮出写着莎士比亚名言的标识牌。
McKellen is in town for the Shanghai International Film Festival, as part of the British Film Institute (BFI)'s co-curated Shakespeare on Film showcase. (He'll be giving a talk later today about his role in 1995's Richard III). Shakespeare on Film is a collection of films showing how British cinema has transformed and reimagined Shakespeare's work. As a recipient of every major theatrical award in the UK, Ian has been praised as one of the greatest Shakespearean actors of our time.麦克莱恩此次来中国是为了参加上海国际电影节,他将在电影节与英国电影学会(BFI)合作的“莎翁影史”中出席部分活动。(今天晚些时候,他将会就自己在1995年《理查三世》中的角色发表演讲。)“莎翁影史”会放映一系列由英国影院改编、再现的莎翁作品。作为英国所有重要戏剧奖项的获得者,伊恩被赞誉为当代最伟大的莎士比亚戏剧演员之一。
Ian McKellen said:"400 years on, Shakespeare's plays continue to dominate stages worldwide, mostly of course in translation, challenging actors, directors, designers and audiences. The BFI's Shakespeare on Film is more than just timely, it is a glimpse of the matchless collection of brilliant endeavour from world-beating Shakespeare experts whose films have popularised over the years. Their theatre-roots are evident. They have respect for the text and cut lines with regret. Other directors have successfully translated the stage plays for the screen, aiming, perhaps to make great cinema rather than great Shakespeare." Ian's impressive career spans six decades during which he has appeared in over half of Shakespeare's plays, on stage and on screen.伊恩·麦克莱恩说:“400年以来,莎士比亚的戏剧一直占据着世界舞台,当然大多数是改编作品,给演员、导演、设计师和观众都带来一定挑战。BFI的‘莎翁影史’不仅非常应景,而且让观众有机会一瞥世界顶级莎士比亚专家们带来的无与伦比的优秀作品集锦,这些影片多年来备受欢迎。他们都有非常深厚的戏剧功底,在尊重原文的同时,也遗憾地删去了部分句子。还有一些导演非常成功地将舞台戏剧改编成了荧幕作品,但也许他们旨在创作出伟大的电影,而非伟大的莎士比亚作品。”伊恩的表演生涯让人叹为观止,前后跨越60载,在舞台和屏幕上表演过逾半数莎剧。
Last night, he made his stage and TV debut in China at the festival's opening ceremony to perform Seven Ages of Man with Jiao Huang.昨天晚上,他在中国电视机观众前首次登台亮相,出席电影节开幕式,和焦晃老爷子一起表演了《人生的七个阶段》。 |