First ladies of the United States have not only had a major influence on the course of the country throughout the years, but have also stood at the forefront of fashion. Here, we take a look at how these women embraced the role clothes can play in establishing substance.历年来,美国的第一夫人们不仅在很大程度上影响着国家的进程,而且始终站在时尚的前沿。今天,我们就来看一看这些女人们是如何通过服装来塑造个人形象的。
Michelle Obama米歇尔•奥巴马
Not since Jackie Kennedy has the US had such a fashionable leading lady. Michelle Obama’s timeless style appealed to all generations while her affinity with high-low fashion choices made her feel just like ‘one of us’. From everyday off-the-rack clothes to costume creations from some seriously heavy hitting designers like Jason Wu and Tom Ford, Michelle had a winning fashion formula. She has taken some risks during her time as First Lady but never lost sight of her polished look, especially that trademark sleeveless fare.自杰奎琳•肯尼迪离开后,美国还没有出现过像米歇尔这么时尚的第一夫人。米歇尔•奥巴马的穿衣风格永不过时,受到了每一代人的欢迎。她平和亲民,又喜欢选择高质量、低价格的时装,让人感觉她就像“我们中的一员”。从适合日常穿着的平价成衣,到吴季刚、汤姆•福特等重量级设计师定制的精美华服,米歇尔已经成功打造出自己骄人的穿衣风格。在就任第一夫人期间,她也有几回差点“出漏子”,但她总是能让自己光彩照人,尤其是穿着标志性的无袖连衣裙时。
Laura Bush劳拉•布什
Having admitted that it was hard for her to be in the eye of the fashion critics, Laura Bush was never one to keep up with the trends, instead opting for a style categorised by harmless elegance rather than cutting edge fashion. For her first Inaugural Ball she wore a dress designed by a local designer from her homestate of Texas. Laura was the ultimate in classic, conservative style albeit with a punch of patriotic pride.劳拉曾亲口承认自己很难得到时尚评论人士的青睐,她从不追求时髦,不穿前卫服装,却喜欢选择稳妥的优雅风格。在她的首场就职舞会上,劳拉穿了一件由家乡德克萨斯州的本土设计师设计的裙子。尽管劳拉是一位充满爱国自豪感的第一夫人,但她的穿衣风格极为经典保守。
Hillary Clinton希拉里•克林顿
Hilary has been dressing for the White House for decades now and in the process has seemingly carved herself a distinctive look; one which used to be defined by pastel two pieces and a no-nonsense bob with wispy bangs. Since then though her style has shifted and been repackaged with the help of Obama’s former aide Kristina Schake. Ultimately, her sartorial choices can be summarised in a single word – pantsuits.迄今为止,希拉里已为白宫穿衣打扮数十载。在这个过程中,她好像塑造出了自己的独特风格。从前是浅色两件套加端庄短发配细碎刘海,后来曾改变过风格,也曾在奥巴马前任助理斯蒂娜•斯卡克的帮助下重新包装过,最后,她的着装选择可概括为一个词——裤装。
Nancy Reagan南希•里根
Former movie Star Nancy brought her fierce red carpet style to the White House as she ushered in a new era of Hollywood glamour. She regularly opted for striking ‘Reagan Red’ and gold lamé over stale neutrals to really express her patriotism.前影星南希将走红毯的大胆风格带进了白宫,就此引领白宫进入了好莱坞魅力新纪元。她平常更倾向于选择鲜艳夺目的“里根红”和炫亮金,而非没有生机的素净色,很好地展现了她的爱国情怀。
Jackie Kennedy杰奎琳•肯尼迪
It might have been more than 20 years since her passing but Jackie Kennedy is still a fashion role model for women all over the world. Best known for her ladylike pillbox hats and skirt suits, she chose pale colours that would look good in black-and-white and wasn’t afraid to take risks in preppy cropped pants.也许杰奎琳已逝世20余年了,但时至今日她依然是全球女性的时尚典范。最有名的是她那些尽显女士贤淑风范的小礼帽和西装裙。她喜欢选择浅色衣服,因为在当时的黑白电视上会更好看,杰奎琳还毫不畏惧穿上私校风格的短裤。
Betty Ford贝蒂•福特
She might not have been particularly trendsetting but Betty certainly had style and a knack for fashion. With her signature 70s-style bob, silk scarves, cat-eye specs and high-neck Chinese-style collars, this First Lady oozed individual style in the best way possible.贝蒂可能不是特别时髦,但她绝对穿出了自己的风格,在时尚方面很有自己的一套。标志性的70年代波波头、丝巾、猫眼眼镜、中式高领,这位第一夫人淋漓尽致地展现出了自己的个人风格。 |