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都说凯特王妃嫁得好 她妹才是真•人生赢家啊









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发表于 2017-3-13 21:44:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Let the word go forth from this place that Miss Pippa of the Middletons is now engaged to Mr James Matthews, bachelor of this parish.祝福的话语从这里开始,米德尔顿家的二小姐皮帕(凯特王妃的妹妹)和这个教区的黄金单身汉詹姆斯·马修斯订婚了。
        On a midsummer day on the fells, James got down on one of his rugged knees, rummaged among the Kendal mint cake and liniment bottles in his mink-lined rucksack to pull out the stonking £250,000 ring.仲夏之日的山岗上,詹姆斯单膝跪地,在他那貂皮镶边的帆布背包中的肯德尔薄荷蛋糕及清草油瓶间掏出一枚价值高达25万英镑的戒指。
        For the UK’s most eligible miss — possessor of a famous derriere, party planner, glazer of chipolatas, professional royal-in-law and socialite extraordinaire — is now officially off the market.英国最炙手可热的单身女性——拥有傲人的翘臀、策划了无数派对、情场高手、合法皇亲国戚、上层名流——现在已经在婚配市场正式下架啦。
        Not only that, but clever Pippa has scored a bullseye when it comes to rich husbands and, in doing so, has even managed to eclipse Kate.不仅如此,聪明的皮帕在挑选有钱老公时正中靶心,这甚至让凯特王妃都黯然失色。



        For while Kate may have married into royalty — and have produced a son who is a future King of England — Pippa stands to live the unrestrained wealthy wife’s life that Big Sis can only dream of.虽然凯特嫁给了皇室成员,并且生下了未来的英国国王,但是皮帕的阔太生活是她只能在梦中钦羡的了。
        Despite the prestige inherent in her married title of Duchess of Cambridge, in many ways Kate will always be a bird in a modestly gilded cage.尽管凯特的婚姻能够为她带来“剑桥公爵夫人”的美誉,但在许多方面她始终只是一直被囚禁在镀金笼子里的小鸟。
        And while she must never seem profligate, the sky is the limit for the future Mrs Pippa Matthews.凯特从未表现得挥金如土,而未来的马修斯夫人皮帕却仿佛能够“只手遮天”。
        Her husband-to-be is, of course, a hedge fund manager, a 40-year-old City financier who is richer than some small countries and who is evidently happy to spend a considerable part of his fortune on his future bride.当然,她的未婚夫是一位避险基金公司的经理,这位年仅四十的城市金融家身家已经超过一些小国家了,他显然非常乐意在未婚妻身上投掷巨资。
        For after becoming famous just because of her sister, Pippa has the best of everything — starting with the engagement ring.皮帕因为姐姐凯特而为众人所知,从订婚戒指开始她便拥有了一切最好的事物。



        While Kate had to make do with the outdated and second-hand Ring of Doom — Princess Diana’s Ceylon sapphire, given to her by Prince Charles, for ever the glittering symbol of a royal marriage that went spectacularly wrong — Pippa has an amazing chunk of brilliant diamond, chosen just for her by the man she loves.凯特王妃不得不将就戴着那玫过时(而且不详)的二手戒指——查尔斯王子送给戴安娜王妃的锡兰蓝宝石,这枚象征美好不渝爱情的戒指却见证了一段错得离谱的婚姻——而皮帕却得到了一枚由他深爱的男人为她精心挑选的、硕大耀眼的、钻戒!
        In addition, she can — and does — have as many lovely holidays as she wants. For James’s parents own Eden Rock, one of the loveliest hotels on the Caribbean island of St Barts, meaning Pippa will never have to look far to top up her year-round tan.此外,她可以也确实想要多少美好假期就有多少。詹姆斯的父母坐拥伊甸岩——圣巴特岛加勒比海岸最受欢迎的度假酒店之一,这意味着皮帕将不再需要为寻觅一年一度的阳光浴圣地而费心。
        Not only that, but her fiance also has a private plane, a £3 million Pilatus PC-12, in which he whisked Pippa to Corsica for a weekend in May.不仅如此,她的未婚夫还拥有一架价值300万英镑的私人飞机皮拉图斯PC-12,五月份时他就是用这架飞机带着皮帕去科西嘉岛共度周末的。
        Unlike Kate, bound by unforgiving royal schedules and responsibilities, Pippa can take off on a whim whenever she pleases, opting for unashamed five-star luxury at every turn.与被皇室严苛的时间表和责任所束缚的凯特不同,皮帕只要乐于就可以随时外出旅行,选择任何五星级豪华酒店居住都心安理得。
        Contrast, too, the sisters’ marital homes. Pippa is already installed in James’s magnificent, stucco-fronted house in London’s Chelsea, where her bethrothed has recently installed his and hers dressing rooms.两姐妹的婚房也是大相径庭。皮帕已经安身于詹姆斯伦敦切尔西的豪宅,他的未婚夫最近刚刚装修了他俩的更衣室。

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