He was there to promote new movie Guardians Of The Galaxy. But Chris Pratt interrupted his Entertainment Tonight interview midway through to French braid a woman's hair.克里斯·帕拉特接受《今夜娱乐》的采访,本来目的是为了宣传他的新片《银河护卫队》,不过,他中途打断了采访,为一个女孩编了一条法式麻花辫。小编注:《今晚娱乐》是一个每日播出的电视娱乐新闻节目,由哥伦比亚广播公司电视台播出,遍及美国、加拿大(全球)和世界各地的许多国家。
The 35-year-old was discussing the fitness regimen he underwent to play Peter Quill in the film when an intern on the show arrived seeking his hair styling skills.这位35岁的男演员当时正在讲述自己为了饰演电影中的彼得·奎尔一角而采用的养生健体之道,这时,节目组的一位实习生走过来,要跟他讨教他的美发技术。
And Pratt was more than happy to oblige as he had boasted of his styling talents on Instagram with what appeared to be a snap of his wife's braided locks.帕拉特不胜荣幸的接受了女孩的邀请,他曾在图片分享网站上发了一张看似他妻子的编发照,以此炫耀自己的美发才能。
The actor captioned his photo: 'This is a weird thing to brag about but I did that glorious french braid.'这个演员所写的图片标题如下:“那这种事炫耀似乎有些诡异,不过,这个完美的法式麻花辫确实是我编的!”
Pratt seemed to be just as proud of his televised endeavours as he expertly tied the woman's hair, even discussing the merits of a 'scrunchie' over a rubber band.帕拉特非常专业的编着女孩的头发,似乎对此就像对自己在影视界的成就一样骄傲,他甚至还聊起了发束相对于橡皮筋的种种优点。
Midway through the hair weaving he exclaimed self-consciously: 'Gosh this is not embarrassing at all!'编发编到一半,他还自言自语的感叹道:“哎哟,我一点也不觉得尴尬!”
When asked during the interview about his workouts regimen, which saw him lose a whopping 60lbs, he said there was 'a lot of crying' involved.当他在采访中问及他减掉整整60磅体重所用的锻炼养生方法时,他说,这个过程中有不少“辛酸泪”。
ET then asked him what his wife Anna Faris thought of his new body.接着,主持人问他,他的妻子安娜·法瑞斯对他的新体形是怎么看的。
'She's a feeder,' he admitted. 'The wife likes me better fat.'“她喜欢喂我吃东西,”他承认说,“我老婆比较喜欢肉肉的我。”
'Don't blink... because pretty quick she's gonna be real happy,' he added, joking that his weight will go back up.“别眨眼……因为很快她就会感到非常满意了。”他补充说,取笑自己会恢复体重的。 |