Russian and English fans may have dominated headlines during this month's Euro 2016 football championships for their boorish, thuggish behavior.2016年的欧洲杯足球赛,俄罗斯与英国球迷因其粗鲁及流氓行为一直占据新闻头条。
But what about the tens of thousands of Irish fans? They're out of control.但是那数以千计的爱尔兰球迷呢?他们已经失控。
In the best possible way.但是以一种最好的方式。
This is the moment hundreds of lovestruck Irish football fans gathered around a blonde French girl and serenaded her - and one admirer even stole a kiss from the woman at the end.数百名为爱痴迷的爱尔兰球迷在球场外集体围着并示爱法国金发女郎。一名仰慕者最后甚至索吻成功。
They appeared in high spirits despite losing three-nil to Belgium on Saturday .虽然周六欧锦赛中爱尔兰0-3不敌比利时,但这并没有让赴波尔多看球的爱尔兰球迷一蹶不振。
A hilarious video showed the swaying crowds singing Can’t Take My Eyes Off You and Hey Baby to the laughing young woman in Bordeaux. 在波尔多足球场外,一个欢闹的视频中摇摆的人群对着一名笑着的年轻女子大唱“Can’t Take My Eyes Off You and Hey Baby”。
The clip, taken on a mobile phone, starts with the crowd singing the Frankie Valli lyrics: You're just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off of you'.“你美丽得如此不真实,我的视线无法从你身上移开”,这爱意满满的歌声使金发女郎笑得合不拢嘴,同时她也拿出手机记录下了这美妙的一刻。
One of the men even swoops in to give the girl a quick kiss on the cheek. He turns around in mock-embarrassment and gives his friend a hug, while the young woman speaks to her friend in French.其中一个球迷站在女孩对面的球迷俯下身来想和女孩索吻,此时女孩正与她的朋友用法语交谈时,男子假装很囧地和旁边一个朋友来了一个拥抱。
She then turns back and pecks the man on the cheek, as the crowd erupts in cheers around them.之后,女孩回头并踮起脚尖轻轻亲吻了男子的脸颊,旁边的人群顿时高声欢呼起来。
And a few stopped to change a tire for an elderly French couple.几名爱尔兰球迷停下来帮一对法国老夫妇换轮胎。
The Irish. They sing, dance, drink and sing some more. The lads were singing lullabies to a little baby in Bordeaux to try and get it to go to sleep.爱尔兰球迷。他们唱歌,跳舞,喝酒然后再唱歌。波尔多,球迷小伙们正在给一个法国婴儿唱摇篮曲让小孩睡觉。