She's made quite an impact with her eponymous fashion range and as Victoria Beckham prepares to turn 40 in April, Glamour magazine have celebrated some of her finest designs.维多利亚·贝克汉姆受人追捧,她创立的个人品牌同样也很受欢迎。如今维多利亚将在四月迎来她的40岁生日,Glamour 杂志专门为她独设一个版面,用来刊登她的一些完美的设计作品。
The publication has put together a fun rainbow montage of 40 A-listers who have worn 40 of Victoria's stunning dress designs.杂志特意策划了大片,40位明星大腕身穿维多利亚设计的裙子列队上镜,其队形以彩虹的变换颜色排列。
Beyoncé, Kelly Rowland, Jennifer Lopez, Cameron Diaz, Oprah Winfrey and Kim Kardashian are just some of the famous names who feature on the page.碧昂斯,凯莉·罗兰,詹妮弗·洛佩兹,卡梅隆·迪亚兹,奥普拉·温弗瑞和金·卡戴珊……刊登在杂志专页上的明星可不止这些哦。
Supermodel Naomi Campbell recently told You magazine that she's a huge fan of the former Spice Girl's work.超级名模娜奥米·坎贝尔最近告诉You杂志,她是维多利亚设计的忠实粉丝。
'I love Victoria Beckham's dresses - I have many of them, as well as her jeans. I admire her work and she's a great mother and good friend.'“我超级喜欢维多利亚·贝克汉姆设计的裙子和牛仔裤,我有很多她设计的服装。我喜欢她的设计,她实在是太有才了,而且还是位好妈妈,我的好朋友。”
And Cheryl Cole also said: 'I think that what she has done is brilliant. I'd love to do what she is doing.'谢丽尔·科尔也评价说:“我觉得维多利亚的设计实在是太棒了,我超爱她这份工作。”
An interest in fashion clearly runs in the family, as Victoria's eldest son, 15-yer-old Brooklyn, has made his modelling debut.显然维多利亚对时尚的爱好和天赋也影响了家人。她的大儿子,15岁的布鲁克林,也迈出了进军时尚界的第一步。
The teenager appears on the cover of Man About Town magazine in a black and white photo shoot which evokes the old Hollywood images of a young James Dean.这位少年为时尚杂志《Man About Town》拍摄了封面照片,黑白照片让人联想起年轻时的詹姆斯·迪恩他好莱坞旧照。
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