A Florida court technician has the job of blurring Justin Bieber's private parts on jail video before you can see it.佛罗里达州相关当局最近公布了贾斯汀·比伯的监狱视频,法院的技术人员特地还把比伯的隐私部位打了马赛克。
The video will then be handed over to news organizations this week under Florida's open records law, a Miami judge ordered Tuesday.一位迈阿密法官周二指出,根据佛罗里达州阳光法案要求,这段视频须移交给新闻媒体。
It's part of several hours of video captured by surveillance cameras inside the Miami Beach Police Department's jail, where Bieber was held after his arrest on DUI charges on January 23.这段视频是由迈阿密当地警局里的监控器拍摄下来的,当时比伯正因酒驾被捕,在1月23日进了当地的监狱。
Miami-Dade County Judge William Altfield rejected arguments from Bieber's lawyer that the video should be kept private.比伯的律师向迈阿密当地法官威廉·奥特福尔德提出抗议,他认为这段视频不应该被曝光,但是法官没有答应。
"The court finds that images of the defendant while in custody at the Miami Beach Police Department are relevant to the public's right to know," Altfield ruled Tuesday.奥特福尔德法官在周二表示:“法院认为,只要是在迈阿密海滩警局被拘留的被告人,他们在拘留期间的相关照片和视频公众有权看到。”
The segments to be released include a sequence in which Bieber "appears to be urinating" in a cell, "revealing an image of the defendant's genitalia," the judge wrote.法官写道:“这段被公布的视频中有一个片段是‘比伯似乎在小便,其私处也暴露在视频中’。”
The order, however, instructs the court's video technician to blur "the image wherein genitalia is observed."当然为了保护隐私,法院的视频技术人员也根据指示把视频中比伯的私处打了马赛克。
"While the defendant may not enjoy all of the expectations of privacy that he enjoys outside of a jail setting, he still retains his expectation of dignity," the judge said.对此,法官的解释是:“虽然迈阿密当地监狱规定,被告人并不能拥有监狱的外绝对隐私权,但是尊严还是可以保留的。”
Several photographs taken by police of Bieber showing his tattoos were given to the media Tuesday.星期二同样被递交给媒体的还有几张由警方拍摄的比伯纹身的照片。 |