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外媒看中国:小偷公车下手 美女的反应……









Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2017-3-13 21:42:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

          This thief would be best placed to remember the old adage 'don't judge a book by its cover' after picking on the wrong victim - with painful results.这里有个小毛贼一定忘不了“不要以貌取人”的老话了,因为他挑错了下手对象——后果很严重。
        Footage has surfaced of a man attempting to steal from the handbag of a woman on a bus in China.本段视频拍摄于中国的一辆公交车上,封面是一个男人想从一个女人手提包里偷东西。
        The woman is shown standing up on a bus watching something on her smartphone as a shifty-looking gentleman stands behind her. As she moves to lean against a railing, the man moves to stand behind her, edging his body as close as he can to hers. He then takes a quick look around him before slowly putting his hand into the handbag, which is hung over the shoulder of the woman.女人站在车上看手机,一个鬼鬼祟祟的男人站在她后面。后来她换了地方,靠在一根栏杆上,男人则尾随其后,一步步靠近她。然后,他迅速地看了一眼四周,就将手慢慢地伸进了女人挂在肩上的手提包里。
        However the woman suddenly realises what is going on and spins around, grabbing hold of the man's wrist, causing it to become trapped between the railings. She shouts at him as he tries to shake him off, and as she cries out to get the attention of other passengers, the would-be thief shouts back at her.但是,女人突然发现了小偷,迅速转过身抓住男人的手臂,把他困在了栏杆之间。女人冲小偷喊叫起来,小偷想逃跑,她又大声喊叫引来了其他乘客的注意,偷窃未遂的小偷也开始冲女人大喊。
        The woman then yanks on the man's arm and kicks him in the leg, forcing him to drop to his knees on the bus. She then throws him against a railing before kicking him in the chest, sending the pickpocket flying some-what dramatically over the barrier.这时,女人猛地一把拽住男人手臂,狠踢他的腿部,迫使他跪在了公交车地面上,然后又把他朝一根栏杆摔过去,猛踢小偷胸部,小毛贼有点戏剧化地被踢飞了,甚至冲过了挡在一旁的座位扶手。
        The footage has received mixed views online, with some praising the woman's fighting prowess and others claiming the video is a stunt.这段视频上网后,出现了各种各样的评论,有人称赞女人功夫了得,也有人说这是一场表演。
        One suspicious viewer wrote 'Why bother making fake videos? It only gives power to the Dark side of the Farce!' while another added: 'As fake as my Rolex watch.'有一位观众持怀疑态度,写道:“为什么要拍这么个假视频呢?只会暴露这场闹剧的阴暗面罢了!”还有人加上评论:“和我手上戴的劳力士手表一样假。”
        This is a set up. Someone was filming from beginning to end. The camera angle was precise to catch the whole theft that the photographer did nothing about while it was in progress. This is a set up.这是一场表演。有人从头拍到尾,镜头的角度精准地抓住了整个偷窃过程,而摄影师全程什么也没做。这是一场表演。
        Obvious fake. Who was recording the pickpocket the whole time, but not saying a word to the "victim' about it?明显是假的。谁会一直在拍偷窃却不对“受害者”说句话?
        Everybody was Kung fu fighting, that chick was fast as lightning.每个人都会功夫,那个女孩动作快得像闪电。

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