J.K. Rowling may rattle the wizarding fan world of "Harry Potter" with a confession about her beloved series' main characters.日前,J.K.罗琳坦承了自己对挚爱的系列作品《哈利波特》中几位主人公的一些想法,而她的言论恐怕要在这部魔幻作品的粉丝界引起巨大震动了。
The British best-selling author, 48, has revealed that she wishes that Harry Potter and Hermione had got together at the end of the book series.这位48岁的英国畅销书作者透露,她其实希望哈利·波特和赫敏能在最后终成眷属。
She told Wonderland magazine that she put Hermione and Ron together as a whim rather than necessarily believing in them as a couple.罗琳在参加《Wonderland》杂志的访谈时表示,她让赫敏与罗恩在一起只是自己一时的心血来潮,她并没觉得他们就该是一对。
The author was interviewed by Emma Watson, 23, who played the film role of Hermione Granger.而此次采访罗琳的正是《哈利波特》电影中赫敏的扮演者——现年23岁的艾玛·沃特森。
Emma was guest-editing a special edition of the magazine, with excerpts printed in the Sunday Times.艾玛这回是作为《Wonderland》杂志特别版的客座编辑,上周日的泰晤士报上先行刊载了一些摘要。
The actress was told how JK Rowling saw her decision to have Ron and Hermione marry and have children in the seventh and final book as 'wish fulfillment'.访谈中罗琳告诉艾玛,自己让罗恩和赫敏在最后一册故事中结婚生子只是“履行愿望”。
The author said: 'That's how it was conceived, really. For reasons that have very little to do with literature and far more to do with me clinging to the plot as I first imagined it, Hermione ended up with Ron.'罗琳说:“赫敏和罗恩在一起的结局就是这样产生的,跟文学本身没什么关系,更大程度上因为这是我最初的构思。”
She added, 'I know, I'm sorry. I can hear the rage and fury it might cause some fans, but if I'm absolutely honest, distance has given me perspective on that. It was a choice I made for very personal reasons, not for reasons of credibility. Am I breaking people's hearts by saying this? I hope not.'她也补充说:“我很抱歉,我知道这么说可能会激怒一些粉丝,但我是绝对诚实的。距离让我对故事结局有了新的看法。选择罗赫恋是出于非常个人的原因,并非出于故事的可靠性。我所说的这些有伤害到大家吗?希望没有。”
And it seems that Emma agreed, saying: 'I think there are fans out there who know that too and who wonder whether Ron would have really been able to make her happy.'艾玛看上去好像也同意罗琳的观点,她说:“我想也有粉丝意识到了这些,有粉丝怀疑罗恩是否真的能让赫敏幸福。”
JK Rowling's admission got a mixed reaction from other young adult authors on Twitter.J.K.罗琳的这番话引来其他青少年文学作家在推特上发表形形色色的评论。
Fangirl author Rainbow Rowell wrote: 'Okay, also, also, it was amazing and beautiful that Harry and Hermione loved each other and needed each other without wanting to kiss.'《Fangirl》的作者Rainbow Rowell写道:“好吧,如果哈利和赫敏彼此相爱也彼此需要,但是没想过要接吻啥的,那还是挺美好的。”
But The First Third author Will Kostakis wrote: 'Guys, this is the closest we'll get to JK Rowling admitting that epilogue was total rubbish. Cherish it.'但是《The First Third》的作者Will Kostakis就没那么温和了:“小伙伴们,这可是让我们听到J.K.罗琳自己承认故事烂尾的最直接的途径啊,好好珍惜。” |