Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
A doppelganger is a duplicate of a living person. Who does the doppelganger look like? Where was the doppelganger seen?
This week's topic: They thought they saw a doppelganger... (90-110 words)
1) doppelganger of a celebrity
2) doppelganger of someone from a history textbook
3) saw a doppelganger walking down the street
4) a doppelganger living in another country
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.
Then again, Al's eyesight was not bad. In fact, he had twenty-twenty vision, without needing to wear glasses nor contact lenses. What Al saw was not only the face, but the way the figure moved also caught his attention. Everything Al observed reminded him of someone he knew from a long time ago. Don't they always say we all have doppelganger somewhere in the world? Al thought to himself, though he must admit that the resemblance was uncanny. Up until he reached where he intended to go, Al was processing and organizing his thoughts.
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