Modern pop culture seems incredibly preoccupied with the underwear worn by female models and starlets, so much so that it's often easy to forget that men's underwear has its own fascinatingly diverse history.如今的流行文化总是过度关注女模特或女明星的内衣,以至于大众很容易就忽略了丰富又精彩的男性内衣史。
With this in mind, YouTube channel The Scene is telling the story of the long history of men's underwear in an impressive new video - and is using a stunning female model to do it.带着这样的想法,YouTube的The Scene频道推出一则令人眼前一亮的视频。该视频通过一位美女模特的表演,讲述了男性内衣的悠久历史。
Back in the day: A new time-lapse video uses a blonde female model to show types of men's underwear throughout history。重回当代:这则新的随着时间推移显示变化的视频中,一位金发女模特展示了过去历史长河中男性内衣的不同种类。
From the start: The first garment covered is the loincloth, which was worn in most societies across the globe that disapproved of waist-down nudity.视频开头:最初的内衣就是缠腰布,当时世界上大多数国家的人都会穿缠腰布,因为他们不赞成腰部以下赤裸。
A bit more covered: The next type of underwear covered are the braies from the Middle Ages, which were calf-length and resembles trousers.遮盖的多了点:接下来的内衣就是中世纪的braies。这种内衣长及腿肚,看起来像长裤。
Making it grand: The 1700s saw the debut of the underdrawers along with a Napoleon-style hat and jacket.华丽了点:18世纪出现了内裤、拿破仑式的帽子和夹克。
Keeping toasty: The long johns are shown to be the garment of choice among the rich in the 1800s.保暖舒适:19世纪,秋裤成了许多富人的着装选择。
For the active man: The jockstrap was created by a designer for a sporting goods company in Chicago to help cyclists protect their nether regions while navigating cobble stone roads.为激进的男性设计:为了使得自行车运动员在多石道路上骑行时能够保护下体,一名设计师为芝加哥一家运动品牌公司设计了护身三角绷带。
On the move: The popular boxer shorts were invented to replace the leather belts.继续发展:风靡一时的拳击短裤替代了拳击皮带.
Mixing it up: These undergarments were so named because they offered support similar to that of the jockstrap with their tight fit.混搭:之所以这样命名这些内衣,是因为这些内衣给人支撑感,就像紧身护身三角绷带那样。
The real thing: The model's underwear in the 1950s segment was a real vintage piece, found in a Philadelphia thrift store.真实物品:视频中女模特穿的20世纪50年代的内衣是从费城一家廉价购物店买来的真品。
Teeny tiny: Underwear met high fashion for men in the 1970s.小型紧身衣:20世纪70年代的男性内衣十分时尚。
The revolution: The combining of the length of boxers with the snug fit of briefs shook up the underwear-making industry.革命:拳击短裤的简短和短内裤的紧致相结合,震动了整个内衣制造业。
Up to today: The newest undergarment covered in the video is the hipster trunks, which the model matches with a top knot and sweatshirt.时至今日:视频中展示的最新内衣是时尚平角内裤。此外,模特头顶的头发扎了起来,还穿着一件汗衫。 |