At the stroke of midnight on last Saturday, a small group gathered outside
Trump Tower in New York to cast a spell of “magical resistance” on the
The mass spell, which was organized by self-identified magician Michael
Hughes, is a binding spell — meaning it’s intended to restrain Trump’s power,
rather than cause harm.
Katy Bohinc, a data scientist and poet who said she “regularly practices
spells,” said she’s also been “resisting every way I possibly can without
skipping work, but it may come to that.”
“Do I think there’s a direct scientific line that we could draw, that maybe
Monday he’ll be impeached? Frankly, there are realistic processes behind that,
like Congress and the Senate,” she said. “But I do believe there are certain
levels of energy in the universe and this definitely doesn’t hurt.”
Davy Ran, a domestic violence counselor, is Jewish and practices Kabbalah,
as well as palm reading and tarot cards. She showed up too.
“I hope [the spell] will actually do something to stop Trump — bind him,
stop him and all the horrible things he’s doing in his administration,” she
said. “I also hope it’ll inspire people to get involved.”
However, a “Christian mystic” named Donna, shouted a counter-prayer while
brandishing a mirror at the witches to “reflect” the spell back on them.
“These people have just been very hateful and nasty, and I wanted to
reflect it back at them,” she said. “I hope to protect Donald Trump…and I hope
they will repent.”
Donna wasn’t the only Christian who attempted to “protect” Trump from the
witches — countless Christians have been tweeting anti-witch prayers after one
Christian Nationalist website put out a call to action.
唐娜不是唯一一个试图“保护”特朗普免受女巫伤害的基督徒。在一个基督徒民族主义者聚集的网站召集了这次行动后,无数基督徒发出了反抗女巫的祷告推文。 |