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                How to Prepare for a Job Interview如何准备面试
                Do you have a job interview on your schedule? Review this advice on how to prepare for an interview beforehand. That way, you can ace it and make a terrific impression on the interviewer.你最近有面试安排吗?
                1. Analyze the Job分析工作
        An important part of interview preparation is to take the time to analyze the job posting, or job description, if you have it. As you review the job post, consider what the company is seeking in a candidate.面试前,需要花点时间分析看看职位发布,看看职位介绍,并看看公司到底想招怎样的人。
                Make a list of the skills, knowledge, and professional and personal qualities that are required by the employer and are critical for success in the job.把雇主所需的技能,知识,专业和个人素质,或工作成功所需要的素质列在一张列表上。
                2. Make a Match了解个人和公司匹配度
                When you have created a list of the qualifications for the job, make a list of your assets and match them to the job requirements.列出雇主期待技能表格后,再列出一张表格,写明你拥有的技能,然后做对比比较。
                Create a list of up to 10 assets, including skills, certifications, experiences, professional qualifications and abilities, computer skills, and knowledge bases and have it at the ready to share with the interviewer. Be sure your assets correlate directly with the skills and abilities required by the company.个人特长特表至少要包含10项内容,包括技能,证书,经验,专业资格和能力,计算机技能,知识库,并做好准备讲给面试官听。一定要保证你的个人特长和公司所需的技能和能力直接相关。
                Review your list, and the job requirements, prior to the interview so you're prepared to share them during the interview.面试前,看看你的个人特长列表,再和职位要求做比较。
                This preparation will help you be ready to answer job-specific interview questions designed to determine if you have the knowledge and skills needed to perform the job.提前做好这样的准备,那么在面试的时候,面试官问你是否具有工作需要的相关技能时,能够从容不迫。
                3. Research the Company了解公司
                Before you go on a job interview, it's important to find out as much as you can about the company. Company research is a critical part of interview preparation. It will help you prepare to both answer interview questions and to ask the interviewer questions. You will also be able to find out whether the company and the company culture are a good fit for you.面试之前,你需要多多了解公司,这是面试准备的关键部分。它将帮助你准备回答面试题目以及面试官提出的问题。你还能弄明白这个公司,公司文化是否和自身相契合。
                Take some time, in advance, to discover as much information as you can about the company. Spend time, as well, tapping into your network to see if you know someone who can help give you an interview edge over the other candidates.提前花点时间,多多了解公司。看看你的人脉关系网里,有没有人对你面试有帮助,让你比其他候选人表现得更有优势。
                4. Practice Interviewing练习面试
                Taking the time to practice answering the interview questions you will probably be asked during a job interview will help give you a framework for your responses and will also help calm your nerves, because you won't be scrambling for an answer while you're in the interview hot seat.花点时间练习可能会被面试官问到的问题,这样回答的时候,心里会有个框架,知道怎么应答,也会让你冷静下来,而不会被问到相关问题时,急迫地在脑海中搜寻答案。
                Practice interviewing with a friend or family member ahead of time and it will be much easier when you're actually in a job interview.提前与朋友或家人进行面试,这样在实际面试是,会容易很多。
                Review common job interview question and answers and think about how you will respond so you are prepared to answer.想想有哪些常见面试问题,该怎么回答,这会帮助你更好地应答。
                5. Get Your Interview Clothes Ready准备好面试服装
                Don't wait until the last minute to make sure your interview clothes are ready. Have an interview outfit ready to wear at all times, so you don't have to think about what you're going to wear while you're scrambling to get ready for a job interview.不要等到最后一分钟才理清楚面试时候应该穿什么,准备好一套面试套装吧,这样不至于面试前急忙找衣服穿。
                Regardless of the type of job you're interviewing for, that first impression should be a great one. When dressing for an interview for a professional position, dress accordingly in business attire.不管面试怎样的工作,第一印象都非常关键。如果是面试专业性比较强的岗位,最好还是穿商务套装。
                If you're applying for a job in a more casual environment, a store or restaurant, for example, it's still important to be neat, tidy, and well-groomed, and to present a positive image to the employer.如果面试的岗位工作环境比较放松,比如商店或者餐馆,要保持干净,整洁,给雇主留下一个正面的印象吧。
                6. Decide What to Do With Your Hair服装发型搭配
                How you style your hair for a job interview is almost as important as the interview clothes you wear. After all, the interviewer is going to notice everything about you—including your interview attire, hairstyle and makeup—and you only have seconds to make a great impression.在面试中,发型和服装一样重要。因为,面试官会注意到你身上的一切,包括面试服装,发型和化妆,而你给别人留下好印象只有几秒钟的时间机会。
                7. What to Bring to a Job Interview?面试带什么?
                It's important to know what to bring to a job interview—a portfolio with extra copies of your resume, a list of references, and a list of questions ask the interviewer. It's also important what not to bring—your cellphone, a cup of coffee, gum, or anything else other than yourself and your credentials.你要知道面试需要带哪些东西,可以带几份你的个人简历,推荐信,再想想要问面试官哪些问题。同时也要清楚哪些东西不能带,比如手机,咖啡,口香糖,总之除了你自己,还有个人证件外,其他东西都不需要。
                8. Practice Interview Etiquette注意面试礼仪
                Proper interview etiquette is important. Remember to greet the receptionist, your interviewer, and everyone else you meet politely, pleasantly, and enthusiastically.恰当的面试礼仪十分关键。记住礼貌、热情、愉快地问候前台、面试官、还有其他见到的人。
                During the interview watch your body language—shake hands firmly and make eye contact as you articulate your points.在面试过程中,注意身体语言,比如握手要有力,向面试官阐释观点时,要有眼神交流。
                Relax and lean forward a little towards the interviewer so you appear interested and engaged. Don't lean back or slump in your chair. You will look too casual and relaxed. Keep your feet on the floor and your back against the lower back of the chair. Pay attention, be attentive and look interested.面试时适度放松,前倾,这样让你看起来对这份工作很感兴趣,想入投入其中。不要向后瘫坐在椅子上,这样看起来很漫不经心、很随意。把脚放在地板上,背部轻轻倚靠在椅子下背。注意,保持专注,保持感兴趣的样子。
                9. Listen and Ask Questions倾听,问问题
                During a job interview, listening is just as important as answering questions. If you're not paying attention, you're not going to be able to give a good response.在面试中,聆听和回答问题一样重要。如果你没有集中精力,就没法很好地应答。
                Be ready to engage the interviewer. You want there to be a give and take type of conversation, so you're building a relationship with the interviewer rather than just providing rote responses to questions. Have questions of your own ready to ask the interviewer.和面试官做互动。如果你和面试官有问答互动,那么就和面试官建立起来一种联系,而不仅仅是机械回答问题。所以,提前想一些可以问面试官的问题吧。
                Towards the end of the interview let the recruiter know that you believe the job is an excellent fit and that you are highly interested.面试快结束时,让面试官相信你很适合这份工作,你对这份工作有高度的热情。
                10. Follow Up With a Thank You Note面试结束,附上感谢信
                Follow up a job interview with a thank you note reiterating your interest in the job.面试结束后,附上感谢信,重申你对这份工作的兴趣。
                Consider your thank you letter a follow-up "sales" letters. Restate why you want the job, what your qualifications are, how you might make significant contributions, and so on.把感谢信当做“自我销售”信吧。再次表明你想要得到这份工作,你自身的素质,你能给公司带来怎样的收益等等。
                This thank you letter is also the perfect opportunity to discuss anything of importance that your interviewer neglected to ask or that you neglected to answer as thoroughly.同时如果面试时候有问题忘记问了,或者没能清楚阐明某些观点,感谢信也是很好的弥补机会。

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