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跳槽季,如何优雅写辞职信,和老东家say goodbye?









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发表于 2017-3-10 21:58:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        When you need to resign from your job to begin a new job opportunity, it’s important to do so in a professional way. Keep your letter positive, complimentary, and appreciative of your tenure with the company. You don’t need to elaborate on the reasons you are leaving, particularly if they aren’t positive ones.如果你从一家公司辞职,接受了新的工作机会,那么请离职也要做得很职业才行。离职信不要展现负面态度,保持正面,对老东家保持赞许,并致以谢意。 你不需要详细阐释离职原因,特别是那些不太正面的原因。
        Tips for Writing a Resignation Letter or Email for a New Job离职信写作提示
        1. Write a letter when possible1. 最好手写辞职信
        When time permits, send an official business letter after you speak with your boss. Send a copy to both your boss and the human resources office, so that the letter goes into your file. However, if time is of the essence, you can send an email instead. You can send the email to your boss, and carbon copy (cc) the email tohuman resources.如果时间允许,和老板谈完之后,就写封辞职信吧。同时,再送一封给人事部门,以便他们做存档。如果时间比较紧急的话,也可以发送电邮。发送邮件给老板,抄送给人事部门。
        2.State the date2. 表明离职日期
        In your letter, state the specific date you plan to leave work. Try to give at least two weeks notice.Two weeks is considered the standard amount of time for giving notice.在辞职信中,清楚表明具体离职日期。尽量提前两周写辞职信,一般认为这样做事前通知是比较合适的。
        3. Keep your reasons brief 3. 理由尽量简洁
        You do not have to go into detail as to your reason for leaving. You can simply say, “I was recently offered a new position.” You may choose to provide a bit more information (for example,the name of the company or the position, or the reason you are taking this newjob). However, keep the letter brief.不要过分阐释你离职的原因。你可以简单说明要去的下家公司(比如名字,职位,接受新工作的理由)。但还是要保持简洁。
        4.Stay positive 4.态度保持正面
        You might need to ask your employer for a recommendation in the future.将来你可能需要老板给你写推荐信呢。
        Therefore, stay positive when you talkabout your current company. Don’t go into detail about how this new job is so much better than your current job. Express gratitude for the time you spent with the company.因此,最好还是不要和现公司撕破脸。不要说新公司和现公司比怎么怎么好。表达对现公司的感激。
        5. Offer your help 5.提出帮助
        If possible, offer your help during the transition period. You might volunteer to train the new employer, or help in some other way.如果可以的话,谈谈过渡期间,你能提供怎样的帮助。你可能可以帮助带新人,或者其他事情。
        6.Provide contact information 6.提供联系信息
        Include an email address and/or phone number where you can be reached once you officially leave the job. You might include this information in the body of your letter,or in the return address. If you are sending an email, you might include this information at the bottom of your signature.在信中表明之后怎样联系你(邮箱地址,电话号码)。你可以在信中正文部分写,或在回信地址中写明。如果你是发送电邮,可以在结尾签名处写。
        7.Follow business letter format 7. 遵循商务风
        If you write a letter, be sure to follow proper business letter format. Include a header with the employer’s name and address, the date, and your name and address.如果是写信的话,记得遵循正式商务风,包括信头,老板名字,地址,日期,你的名字和地址。
        8.Edit, edit, edit.8.再三润色
        Whether sending a letter or an email, thoroughly proofread your note before sending it. Again, you may need to ask for a recommendation from your employer, so you want all your writing to be polished.在送出信件或发送邮件前,一定要再三检查。因为将来没准儿你可能需要现在老板写推荐信,因此,辞职信一定要再三润色。

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