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发表于 2017-3-10 21:58:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        What can you do if you're interested in a promotion and it doesn't appear that you're going to be automatically offered a new position by your manager? There are ways to request a promotion diplomatically and to enhance your candidacy for promotion. Here's how.想要获得晋升,但老板看起来不太可能主动提升您。那怎么有礼有节提出晋升请求?怎样增加晋升的几率呢?快来看看吧。
        Tips and Advice on How to Get Promoted关于如何获得晋升的提示和意见
        Before you ask for that promotion, be sure that you're doing all the right things to help ensure that the answer will be positive.在您提晋升要求前,要保证您所做的事情都是对的,只有这样才能争取到正面的回复。
        Here are some of the factors employers consider when evaluation employees for promotion.以下是老板考虑员工是不是应该得到晋升时考虑的一些因素。
        Do a Great Job. How you perform in your current position is going to be important when you're considered for a promotion. Excellent performance reviews and your reputation as an above-average employee will carry a lot of weight when the company is making staffing decisions.目前工作做得不错。当前工作表现是老板评价你否应该晋升的关键因素。良好的绩效评价和高于其他普通员工的声誉会是公司做人事决定时非常看重的要素。
        Be a Team Player. Volunteer to help with new projects in the office. Volunteer for committees or task forces. Offer to help your boss and co-workers whenever time permits. You'll be known as a team player and an individual that colleagues want to work with. Check out this list of teamwork skills to get an idea of what employers are looking for.具有团队合作精神。办公室里有新项目的话,积极给予帮助。积极给予委员会或工作队帮助。时间允许的话,多多帮助老板和同事。这样大家会觉得你有团队合作精神,并想要和您共事。好好看看这个团队技能表,看看老板都想要怎样的技能。
        Don't Miss Work. Be on time for work and don't take more time off than you are allocated. If you're known as a sloucher and someone who misses more work than is appropriate, it will be held against you.不要误工。准时上班,别人给你分配多少时间,记得不要多占用。如果别人觉得你是个懒散的人,且常常误工,这会对你晋升很不利。
        Network and Get Noticed. Attend company parties and gatherings. The more connected and engaged you are with your colleagues, the more they will know about you and the more you'll stand out when it comes time to consider you for promotion. Managers are more likely to promote an employee they know well than a random applicant they don't know much about.参与社交,被别人关注到。参加公司聚会和集会活动。您与同事之间的联系和互动越多,他们就越了解你,在考虑您的晋升时,会让您更加突出。管理者更愿意提拔他们了解的人,而非他们知之甚少的人。
        Continue Your Education. If your company offers opportunities for professional development classes, take advantage of as many as you can. If your skills need updating or advancing, take continuing education or college classes. This way, your technical skills will be top level.继续深造。如果您公司提供机会让您参加职业发展课程,那么尽可能多利用这样的机会。 如果你的技能还需要更新或提高,那么报名成人教育或者去大学进修吧。这样,你的技能会一直是顶级的。

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