话题材料: 请将下面这段话翻译成英文:
一个人的生命究竟有多大意义,这有什么标准可以衡量吗?提出一个绝对的标准当然很困难;但是,大体上看一个人对待生命的态度是否严肃认真,看他对待劳动、工作等等的态度如何,也就不难对这个人的存在意义做出适当的估计了。古来一切有成就的人,都很严肃地对待自己的生命,当他活着一天,总要尽量多劳动、多工作、多学习、不肯虚度年华,不让时间白白地浪费掉。我国历代的劳动人民以及大政治家、大思想家等等都莫不如此。 参考译文:
Is there a standard to evaluate the significanceof one's life?It's certainly difficult to offer a definitestandard.But generally speaking,we can tell it byjudging his attitude towards life and work,makingclear whether he is serious about his life.
Throughout the history,the outstanding peoplewere all very serious about their lives.They madebest use of every minute of their lives to work and study as much as possible,never wastingtheir time.None of the working people and the great statesmen and their thinkers were ofexception.
以上就是文都四六级考试网小编为各位考生总结的,希望各位考生多多练习,争取在2017年6月的英语四六级考试中取得好成绩~ 47(20.47 KB, 下载次数: 27)