22. We all work or will work in our jobs with many different kinds of people. In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a co-worker (someone you work closely with)? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important.----------列举?
Topic 22 Important qualities of a co-worker
We spend more time with our co-workers during weekdays than we do with our family. Thus, it's important for our co-workers to be the people we can get along with. In my opinion, there are certain characteristics that all good co-workers have in common. They are cooperative, considerate and humorous.(合作的,体贴的,幽默的)
We no longer observe now a time that worships individual merits(个人崇拜的优点)with great enthusiasm. Everyone should cooperate with each other. Teamwork is crucial(重要的)to a business. A good co-worker is willing to contribute to the office community and not too stubborn(顽固的)to accept advice. He realizes the fact that if one's work is left not done in time, it may hold up everyone else.
Besides, a good co-worker is very considerate. He may change his own schedule to accommodate(使适应)another's emergency(紧急情况). He may be a sympathetic listener, comforting others when they are miserable(注意这个不是误解的意思哦,是悲惨的;痛苦的意思).
What is more, a good co-worker should have a sense of humor. His positive attitude may create a pleasant environment. When we are under the great stress of work, what we need most is not a delicious meal but merely a few good jokes to relax our nerve cells.
What I have listed is not the complete set of characters of a good co-worker, however, we can feel how comfortable it is to get along with a good co-worker. Being a good coworker is not difficult but really very necessary. Such experience of being a good co-worker will definitely contribute to other aspects of life such as friendship and a healthy lifestyle.(这篇文章是标准的“八股文”,学学里面的词,用到自己的文章中去,其他的句式方面就没什么好赘述的了。记住,只要不出错误的文章都是好文章!) |