Mel Gibson returns to directing after a decade-long absence with this true story starring Andrew Garfield as a non-violent American war hero who never fired a weapon.消失10年之久的梅尔•吉布森携导演的新片回归了。这是一个真实的故事,主演安德鲁•加菲尔德在片中扮演一位从没开过火的非暴力美国战斗英雄。
Ten years have passed along with much uncomfortable tabloid scrutiny since Mel Gibson's last film as director, Apocalypto. Back in the saddle with Hacksaw Ridge, he once again proves himself a muscular storyteller who knows exactly how to raise a pulse, heighten emotion and build intensity to explosive peaks.自梅尔•吉布森上次导演影片《启示录》之后,10年已经过去了,其间只有一些令人不适的小报曝料。此次回归肩负《血战钢锯岭》导演重担,吉布森再一次证明了自己是一位会讲故事的高手,他能精准地把控如何让人心跳加快、情绪高涨,如何制造紧张气氛,最终达到让人血脉偾张的高潮。
Themes of courage, patriotism, faith and unwavering adherence to personal beliefs have been a constant through Gibson's directing projects, as has a fascination with bloodshed and gore. Those qualities serve this powerful true story of heroism without violence extremely well, overcoming its occasional cliched battle-movie tropes to provide stirring drama.吉布森沉迷于流血杀伐,他导演的每部作品中都贯穿着勇气、爱国精神、誓死捍卫个人信仰等主题。在《血战钢锯岭》中,这些品质又发挥了重要作用。这个真实的英雄主义故事不涉及一丁点暴力,但气场强大、震撼人心,虽然片中偶尔出现战争片常见的煽情桥段,但瑕不掩瑜。
Whether the Lionsgate release, opening Nov. 4 in the U.S., can come close to the popular appeal of a recent war movie like American Sniper it will be interesting to watch, since Hacksaw Ridge examines the experiences of a World War II American soldier who served his country by saving rather than taking lives.不论这部将于11月4日在北美放映的狮门影业作品是否能像最近的战争影片《美国狙击手》那样为观众所喜爱,去看看这部《血战钢锯岭》还是很有趣的,因为它讲述了二战时一位美国士兵的经历,他服务国家的方式不是杀敌而是救人。
In a fully inhabited performance, Andrew Garfield plays Desmond Doss, the first conscientious objector to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor, after he remained behind when his battalion was forced to pull out the during a tricky stage of the 1945 Battle of Okinawa, single-handedly carrying 75 wounded men to safety.安德鲁•加菲尔德的表演入木三分,他饰演了史上第一位拒绝服兵役的的国会荣誉奖章获得者戴斯蒙•杜斯。1945年,杜斯的部队被迫撤出惨烈的冲绳岛战役,他留在后方,只身一人救出了75位负伤战友。
Cinematographer Simon Duggan, editor John Gilbert and visual effects supervisor Chris Godfrey show great skill at combining the murky near-blindness of a combat scene, ripped apart by grenade blasts, bullets and flames, with jolts of chilling lucidity.影片摄影师西蒙•达根,剪辑约翰•吉尔伯特和视觉效果总监也展现了高超的技艺,影片中既有昏天黑地、几乎什么也看不清的战斗场景——手榴弹爆炸、子弹横飞、火焰冲天,一片狼藉,也有冰冷透彻的震撼画面。 |