Vittoria: What made you so sure the segno’s there?
Robert: The number 503. I kept seeing it over and over again illuminati letters scribbled in the margins sometimes just signed “503”. It’s a numeric clue. But to what? Five? Well, that’s a meaningful number to the illuminati. There’s the pentagram. Pythagoras, dozens of other examples in science. But what about three? Didn’t make sense until I thought, what if it’s Roman Numerals?
Vittoria: DIII, D-three.
Robert: Galileo’s third text. Dialogue, Discorso, diagramma.
Robert: Yeah. Just a few days with this and I could have actually finished my book…and sold dozens of copies at the Harvard bookstore.
Vittoria: Diagram of truth. I know about Dialogue ND Discorso. Galileo laid out his theories about the earth revolving around the sun.
Robert: Yes, and said. The Earth was not the center of some universe……with heaven above, hell below as the church had said.
Vittoria: So they forced him to recant in the second book. But what was this one?
Robert: This is how he got the word out. This is the truth, not what the Vatican forced him to write, smuggled out of Rome, printed in Holland o sedge papyrus, see? That way any scientist caught with a copy. Could just throw it in water and Galileo’s hersy would dissolve, disappear. And between that and Vatican burnings……it’s possible that, this is the only copy that remains. And if I’m correct…the segno is hidden on page number~~Five.