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发表于 2016-12-23 22:35:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        What can you do if you're interested in a promotion and it doesn't appear that you're going to be automatically offered a new position by your manager? There are ways to request a promotion diplomatically and to enhance your candidacy for promotion. Here's how.如果你很想要升职,但你的经理却没有任何征兆想要给你升职,该怎么办?其实想要婉转地表示自己的升职意愿、增加升职的机会也并不是没有方法的。下面为您介绍一些小诀窍。
        Before you ask for that promotion, be sure that you're doing all the right things to help ensure that the answer will be positive.在你申请升职之前,请先确认你已经具备所有升职的要素,才能确保最终的结果是满意的。
        Here are some of the factors employers consider when evaluation employees for promotion.雇主们在给员工升职的时候,都会考虑一些因素,下面为大家介绍一下。
        1. Do a Great Job.1. 工作表现出色。
        How you perform in your current position is going to be important when you're considered for a promotion. Excellent performance reviews and your reputation as an above-average employee will carry a lot of weight when the company is making staffing decisions.你的工作表现就会影响你的升职机会。出色的工作表现以及您高于常人的良好信誉,会在公司考量擢升员工的因素中占据很大的分量。
        2. Be a Team Player.2. 善于与他人合作。
        Volunteer to help with new projects in the office. Volunteer for committees or task forces. Offer to help your boss and co-workers whenever time permits. You'll be known as a team player and an individual that colleagues want to work with.自愿帮助同事完成新的工作项目,自愿帮助委员会或任务小组,在时间允许的前提下主动帮助老板和同事。这样大家就会认为你是一位善于团队合作的同事,大家都愿意与你共事。
        3.Don't Miss Work.3. 不要在工作上有错漏。
        Be on time for work and don't take more time off than you are allocated. If you're known as a sloucher and someone who misses more work than is appropriate, it will be held against you.准时上班,也不要早退。如果你给他人留下懒散的印象,或者你落下太多工作,这样不利于你的升职。
        4.Network and Get Noticed.4. 多于他人建立联系,让别人发现你的存在。
        Attend company parties and gatherings. The more connected and engaged you are with your colleagues, the more they will know about you and the more you'll stand out when it comes time to consider you for promotion. Managers are more likely to promote an employee they know well than a random applicant they don't know much about.多参与公司的活动和聚会。当你与同事越亲近,越在乎他人,他们就会更了解你,还能在升职时考虑到你。管理者们都喜欢擢升他们熟悉的员工,而不是随便一个路人甲。
        5.Continue Your Education.5. 继续接受教育。
        If your company offers opportunities for professional development classes, take advantage of as many as you can. If your skills need updating or advancing, take continuing education or college classes. This way, your technical skills will be top level.如果公司为员工开展了专业人员职业发展的课程,那么你就要好好利用这个机会学习。如果你需要提升或深化你的技能,那么就去深造或参与大学的课程。这样做的话,你的技术技能就会达到超高水准。
        How to Ask for a Promotion如何开口?
        1. Be Prepared to Ask.1. 准备好去说。
        Your employer may recognize your star qualities and offer you a promotion. Of course, it's much easier when it happens that way. However, for some jobs and at some organizations you may need to apply for a promotion. Expect that you may have to ask or apply for the promotion you want.你的雇主可能发现了你的星级员工特质就给你升职了。当然,如果真的是这样,事情就变得容易多了。然而,对于某些职业和某些公司机构来说,你还得自己申请升职。所以要做好心理准备,你可能需要自己申请想要晋升的职位。
        2. Discuss With Your Boss.2. 与老板讨论。
        Be sure to let your boss know that you are interviewing for a new position. You'll want him or her on your team because your references will be checked. It's not a good idea to keep it a secret because your boss is going to find out. It's better that he or she hears it from you than from human resources. Do offer to help with the transition if you're selected for promotion.请注意,如果你在面试一个新的职位的话,要告知你的老板。你可能会需要他/她,因为你的推荐信会被纳入考核的环节。保密不是一个好的方法,因为你的老板总会发现的。你宁可亲口告诉他/她,也不希望他/她从人事部得知消息。如果升职落实了,切记主动协助职位调动的过渡期。
        3. Check Open Job Listings.3. 看看公司有哪些职位空缺。
        Most large companies and many smaller companies list job openings on the company website. Some positions may be open to internal candidates prior to being available for external applicants, so you'll have a jump on the competition. Check regularly for new listings and apply for jobs that are a good fit for your background and experience.大多数的大型公司和许多小型公司都会在公司的网站上发布职位招聘的消息。有些职位也许会在开放给外部求职者前,优先照顾内部的员工,那么你就有必要拼一拼了。多留意最新的招聘信息,然后申请一个符合自己背景和经验的职位。
        4. Follow the Application Process.4. 遵循求职流程。
        Don't presume you're going to get the job. The company may be considering external candidates as well as other employees for the job. Also, don't presume that the hiring manager or department manager reviewing your qualifications will know your background. Take the time to update your resume and to write a targeted cover letter for the job you are interested in. Follow the application process, if there is a formal procedure for applying for internal job postings.不要认为自己真的能够得到升职的机会。公司机会考虑内部员工也会考虑外部求职者。再者,不要以为审核你升职资格的招聘经理或部门主管会了解你的背景。花点时间更新你的简历,写一份符合你目标职位要求的求职信。如果有一个正式的内部求职流程的话,记得要遵循它。
        5. Get References.5. 寻求他人的推荐。
        Ask your supervisor and other managers you've worked with for a letter of recommendation. References, especially from high-level staff, carry a lot of weight.请求你的主管或与你共事过的经理撰写一份求职推荐信。推荐信,尤其是高层管理人员的推荐信,在面试的时候会起到举足轻重的作用。
        6. Ace the Promotion Interview.6. 搞定升职面试。
        When you are being considered for a promotion or applying for a new job within the company, you may be required to interview for the position.如果你想要申请升职,或者在公司内部转换工作岗位,那么你有可能需要进行一次职位的面试。
        7. Send a Thank You Note.7. 发送感谢信。
        Send a thank you note or thank you email message to everyone you interviewed with reiterating your interest in the position.给参与面试的人员发送一封感谢信或致谢电子邮件,并在信件里重申你对该职位的求职意愿。
        8. Take the Time to Say Goodbye.8. 找时间好好道别。
        If all goes well and you're offered the promotion, take the time to say goodbye to your current co-workers and to let them know you'll stay in touch. Do wait until after the company formally announces your promotion to tell them. It's important that the company makes the announcement first before you tell your colleagues.如果事情进展顺利,你得到了升职机会,那么要记得找时间与现在的同事好好道别,让他们知道你会与他们保持联系。在公司正式发出晋升公告时,再告诉他们这个好消息。请记住,最终结果要让公司正式发布了,你才能通知大家,这是很值得注意的细节。

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