——霍桑,希望各位考生可以参考。 翻译原文
霍桑是美国的著名作家,他写了很多优秀的作品,在国内外读者当中深受欢迎。霍桑主要生活在19世纪,在当时清教主义盛行,并且对人们有相当大的影响力,清教主义与加尔文主义有很多相近之处,比如对原罪论的理解,对救赎论的理解等等。因此,加尔文主义可以近似地理解为清教主义,在某种程度上。霍桑的祖先是严格奉行清教主义的著名人物,并且他们做了很多耸人听闻的迫害异教徒的事情。为此,霍桑感到很有罪恶感。他认为人性本恶,这种罪是与生俱来的。当时的社会大环境,个人的身世背景和经历,这两个因素都共同影响着一个作家的写作主题和风格。 参考译文
Hawthorne is a famous American writer. He wrote many excellent novels, which are popular among the readers at home and abroad. He lived in 19th century when Puritanism was still prevailing and it exerted a quite great influence on people. The doctrines of Calvinism have overlapped meanings with Puritanism, such as the concept of the original sin, atonement and so on. Therefore, to some extent, Calvinism can be approximatively seen as Puritanism. Hawthorne’s family members were strict followers of Puritanism and they did numerous lurid persecution of heretics. Consequently, he felt deeply guilty. He believed that man was born with sin and mankind was depraved by nature. In a word, the big environment and the writer's background and experience both can account for the writer's themes and writing style. 翻译词汇:
Hawthorne 霍桑 Atonement 救赎
Puritanism 清教主义 Lurid 耸人听闻的
Calvinism 加尔文主义 Heretic 异教徒 翻译技巧点拨:
第一句话分成了两句来翻译, 其中which引导的非限制性定语从句来修饰霍桑写的书, 另外无需一直重复霍桑 Hawthorne这个人名,只需用人称代词he来代替。
in 19th century when Puritanism was still prevailing这句话当中, when引导的句子作定语来修饰century。
have overlapped meanings with可以用来表述与某物有相近之处, overlap一词的意思为:重叠,与某物部分相同。
通观全篇,有“因此”和“为此”两个副词,在翻作英语时,要注意用不同的单词来表述,显出词汇的多样性和丰富性,therefore,consequently,thus,as a result等都可以用来表结果。
与生俱来可以翻译为be born with sth., “人性本恶”中的“本”可以理解为本质上, 故可翻译为by nature.
以上就是文都教育老师为大家整理的关于英语六级翻译预测的话题,祝各位考生考试顺利! 关注文都四六级考试网(cet46.wendu.com),了解更多英语四六级考试资讯。