A college degree can increase your chances of getting a job, but sometimes it takes more than education to impress employers. Personally, when I’m hiring for my own business, I look beyond the degree and even the resume to find a candidate whose actual talent make them worth the money I’m going to spend on them. Likewise, you also need to possess sought-after skills — the kind that keep the direct-deposit flowing straight to your bank account — which you may or may not have learned in college. Enhance your chances of climbing the corporate ladder with these seven skills employers value most.学历固然能为你找工作带来更多机会,但面试官注重的可不只是教育程度。有些面试官更青睐于那些有实际技能压身的应聘者。以下7种技能在书本上学不到,却极受面试官的看重。
1. Written Communication Skills1.书面沟通技能
Effective verbal communication skills are practically a necessity with any type of job. You'll speak with customers, clients, coworkers, and your employer. The ability to express yourself in a clear, concise manner is key to getting your thoughts across and lessening the likelihood of miscommunication.任何工作都需要口头的沟通,我们需要和客户,同事还有领导进行口头交谈。准确清晰地表达出自己的想法才能避免误解。But you need more than verbal communication skills to get the job done. Some positions also require excellent writing skills for drafting emails, memos, and reports. You'll need strong written skills to get your points across on paper and communicate your message with clarity. In addition, technology plays a big role in business with many companies taking their brand online. If you can demonstrate good written skills and produce error-free copy, there could be opportunities to assist the marketing team with blog posting, article writing, and social media marketing.但要把工作做好需要的不仅是口头沟通能力。某些职位还要求出色的书面表达能力,比如写邮件、报告及内部通知。要把自己的观点清晰地通过书面的形式传递出去需要技巧。这项技能尤其适用于公司的网上推广,通过在网上推出优秀的博文可以有效促进营销团队的社交媒体推广活动。
2. Time-Management Skills2.时间管理技能
To make it in a fast-paced environment, you need superior time management skills, and depending on the nature of your job, you might constantly deal with a pile of work and tight deadlines. If you can't prioritize, you'll fall behind and slow down productivity for the entire office. Employers value someone who has the ability to multitask and work quickly, but efficiently. Your employer can't afford for you to spend too much time on a single task.在快节奏的社会,有效的管理时间是职场必备技能。尤其当你面临堆积如山的工作任务,还要赶交期的时候,如果你不会优先安排工作,将会拖延整体的进度。领导喜欢那些能高效快速地完成任务的员工,他们可没足够的时间让你在一项简单的任务上耗太久。
3. Tolerance for High Stress Situations3.抗压能力
It doesn't matter where you work or what you do, just about every job has its stressful periods. When the going gets tough, the last thing employers need is someone who crumbles under pressure. Rather, they're looking for someone who can perform under harsh conditions without jeopardizing the quality of their work. This doesn't mean you should stick with a job that tests your patience or affects your health in a negative way — your job isn't supposed to drive you insane — but there's value in demonstrating mental strength to tackle and deal with occasional stressful elements of your job without missing a beat.无论你做什么,在哪里工作,都会面临不同程度的压力。有些员工受到丁点儿压力就几近崩溃,这是最让用人单位头疼的。那些在艰难情况下仍能保证工作质量的员工才是他们的最爱。但承受压力不代表你就要死扛着一份让你筋疲力尽、身体亏空的工作,直至将自己逼疯,而是说要有足够的精力来处理工作中可能会遇到的压力。
4. Creative Thinking4.思维创新能力
A company has to evolve from time to time to keep up with their competition and to give customers what they need and want. Company heads generally take the lead in generating new ideas, but they often welcome suggestions from their staff. If you're a creative thinker who isn't afraid to take the initiative and share your ideas and solutions, you'll become an integral part of the team and contribute to the company's growth. Some of your suggestions could be ideas your superiors never considered. A creative mind paves the way for a position with greater responsibility.公司要不断发展,需要不断与同行竞争并跟上客户的需求。在思想革新方面公司领导往往是领头人,但是他们同样鼓励员工的思维创新。如果你思维活跃,且愿做领头兵,把你的想法和大家一起分享,很可能你会成为团队不可缺少的一部分,也提高了升职的几率。
5. Flexibility5.灵活变通能力
As a company evolves, it's also important for its employees to adapt to change as the climate or situation at work may not stay the same forever. Management can make new decisions and implement new strategies for the betterment of the organization. For the company to move in the right direction, employers rely on their team's support, and they need flexible employees who can successfully adjust to changes in the situation.随着公司的发展,工作环境和公司的政策都有可能发生变化。为了使公司步入正确的发展轨道,公司可能会进行内部改组或其他职位调动,这时候,懂得灵活变通的员工往往能适应需求,脱颖而出。
6. Ability to Work in Teams6.团队合作能力
Some people prefer working alone. But when you join an organization, you become part of a team. Employers value those who have the ability to work in a group and collaborate with minimum disagreements or tension. Teamwork is essential because this is how a company establishes new ideas and solves problems. Two heads are better than one, after all. Therefore, some employers seek candidates who understand the importance of a team-oriented metric, and who are willing to work together to achieve the company's main goals.有人可能喜欢单枪匹马独立完成任务。但当你成为公司的一份子时,你也成了整个团队的一部分。如果你能出色地协同团队完成某项任务,且能妥善处理大大小小的意见纷争,很可能领导已经暗暗对你点头称赞了。众人拾柴火焰高,有些知名企业往往青睐那些善于团队合作的员工。
7. Staying Motivated7.保持工作主动性
It's your employer's responsibility to provide feedback and monitor your performance. But since you're not the only employee at the company, your boss can't hold your hand through every task. Being able to work on your own initiative without direct supervision is an asset employers value.领导有责任对你的工作表现进行监督并提供反馈。但他们却不能保证事事对你加以监督指导。因此,在没有领导监督的情况下也能努力干活的员工很受领导赏识。
Although you shouldn't overstep boundaries or come off as presumptuous, your employer may appreciate your resourcefulness with an ability to identify problems, come up with practical solutions, and decide the best course of action within your limits. Employers have a lot on their plates and they need workers who can consistently perform independently with minimum supervision.不过,在这一点上你最好不要越界,能发现问题,解决问题固然重要,但必须保证你做的一切是在你的职权范围内。 |