发表于 2016-12-4 19:48:12
China's first credit card appeared in 1979.The Bank of China headquarters in Beijing later replaced all of its branch credit cards with the Great Wall credit canrds,first issued in June,1986.At that time,a possession of a credit card was considered a symbol of wealth and status.Some people even cheated on their credit card applications just to get a card highlighting their status.Even 15 years later,in a survey done by Master Card and China Women News in several major Chinese cities,around 10 percent of people said that the credit card contributed to their confidence.Over 50 percent of people surveyed said they applied for a credit card for its convenience and security.
1.1986年6月,中国银行北京总行首次发行长城信用卡,取代了先前所有分行发行的信用卡:“总行”可翻译为headquarters; “发行”可翻译为issue; “分行”可翻译为branch。
4.便捷性和安全性:可用convenience and security表达。