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发表于 2016-12-4 13:29:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
          You may think,well,dieting wasn't that important to me and I won't make it
any how.
          So you abandon the goal and return to your bad habits.
          Suppose the company offered you a pay raise of 50%.Will you be so
determined to leave and look for a job elsewhere?
          Yes,I've set my mind on it.I'd like to find the job with full scope to show
my ability.
          A foreign airliner was attempting to land at night in mountainous area in
Argentina and flew into the hill.
          Tha sounds really terrible.Did anyone surivive?
          No,everyone aboard,including the crew,was killed instantly.
          In some large American city schools,as many as 20 to 40% of students are
absent each day.
          We must cooperate with nature and learn better ways to use, not abuse our
          With the next decade bringing greater change than the past fifity years,the
people who will design the models of tomorrow believe that the evironmental
problems may well acclerate the pace of the car's development.
          Did you know after almost ten years in Unite States, Mr Li still speek
English with such a strong accent
          Yes,but he is proud of it.He says this a part of his identity.
          I am frustured. We are suppose to do our assignment on the computer, but I
have difficulty getting access to the computers in the library.
          I understand the way you feel.I am looking forward to the day when I can
afford to get my own.
          I've just got back from the holiday you arranged for me, but I must tell
you the hotel was really awful.It was miles from the sea, the food is awful too.
The bedroom was dirty.
          Sorry about that,but it's not really our fault. The contract does say that
the hotel accommodation is not our responsibility.
          When the Highway collapsed in northern California,people were killed in
their cars.The highway was not built according to today's strict standards to
resist the earthquakes.
          On this online branches,customers will be able to view all their
accounts,move money between their accounts,apply for a loan and so on.
          Although John completed his assignment quickly and successfully,he was
furious when he learnt that the boss had the deliberately assigned them a
difficult account.
          Both Jean and Bill are tired when they arrive home at six p.m.Bill is
accustomed to sitting down and reading paper or watching TV untill the dinner is
          Sherry,how are you doing with your thesis?
          Oh!my thesis,that's something I definitely don't want to talk about right
now.I finish my first draft sometime ago,but my superviser said I should do more
research if I want to achieve the quality he expects of me.
          Will animals and plants be able to adapt that quickly to change in the
          This is hopeless.This figures still don't add up right.Let's to
calculations over again.
          Yes,but why not do them tomorrow.It's very late now.
          Not long ago,researchers learned that four-day-olds could understand
addition and subtraction.
          The first thing is correspondence, we have a lot of standard letters and
forms,so I suppose we need some kind of word processor.
          Right,well,that's no problem. But it may be possible for you to get a
system that does a lot of other things in addition to word processing.What might
suit you is the MR5000 .That's over there,it's IBM compatible.
          Sue have more difficult time satisifying her first client,and she took
several additional months to actually complete the project.
          After high school, I'd like to go to the college and major in business
administration. I really like power and enjoy telling people what to do.
          You're very ambious. But I'd rather spend my college days finding out what
children are interested in.Child psychology is for me.
          Polish people are often admired for their immense enjoyment of the
          I have never seen such an interesting show. I hope you enjoyed it as much
as I did. I must admit that I felt sleepy during the two hours.
          Drugs often have unwanted side effects.These usually cause minor discomfort
such as a skin rash, headache or sleepless.Certian drugs, however, can produce
serious adversary action.
          I saw your advertisment in the morning paper concerning the X-20 model.The
lens seems to be excellent and flash is not bad.But do you think prize a little
          I think it's a good buy.The prise includes the leather case, you know?
          In order for a chemical to be a consider a drug,I must have capacity to
affect how the body works.
          The best time to buy a baby-dog is when it's between six and eight years
old so that it can transfer its affection from its mother to its master.
          We've lived here in Thornton for five years now and I think it's time to
have the house painted.
          You're right ,Mr Johns, our neigher, just had his house to painted, but we
can not afford to do it only if we panit it ourselves.

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